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If it would be o.k. for wickey, I have a suggestion: wouldn't it be senseful, if this thread would be widenend as the "IMCDB-member's collector's pinboard" or similar? Then we don't need to open own threads.

Many of us (most of us? ) have their own car-related hobby and would probably be happy about help or "contributions". So I'm very thankful about the nice and rare stuff, I got from Animatronixx and Raul1983. :smile:
And as I've promised, I'll look around for things, which could be interesting for others of us. For example on classic-car-markets, which I'm visiting sometimes.

@wickey: I'll keep the 80ies Volvo-key-bag for you :wink:
@chicomarx: same with the SAAB-bag for you.

About my special interest it's probably no neccessary to accentuate it again... :whistle:
I would be very happy, if someone of you would let me know, if he has found car-magazines from the early 70ies, which includes something about the K 70. Test drives, articles or just advertises, everything would be fine.
I've seen, that even in countries, where the K 70 wasn't exported, there were articles about it. So I own two car-magazines from the USA, three from Australia and two from the DDR, which includes something.

Last weekend I've finished to assort my literature-collection. I've lost the overview a time ago. Now there is the big work to list my handwritten notices correctly, so that I can take it with me on markets. And the "still to find"-list, too, where I've remarked the stuff, I couldn't get at eBay for example.
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