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What do you do?
Published 08/08/2009 @ 18:54:11, By ingo
Why you want to convert a car from LHD to RHD? Or it's a regulation in Down Under, that only RHD is allowed?

I've heard, that in NZ there is this law. But when I've been there in 1998, I have seen LHD-cars, all used imported US-cars.

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What do you do?
Published 09/08/2009 @ 04:35:26, By marioman3138
If its over 30 years old, I don't have to. But I am want to make it easier for me. If it was a new Mustang, I definatly would have to by law, but I want to anyways.
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What do you do?
Published 09/08/2009 @ 14:20:27, By ingo
I don't think, that the LHD/RHD-conversion is a good idea. At least it's cobbling around. The Mustang is -like all US-cars and non-British European cars- constructed as LHD.

What do you mean with "easier for me"? Do you are anxious to drive LHD? I'm sure, it's easier and cheaper to learn this, than to convert a car.
O.k., it will be uncomfortable at parking-garages and Mc Donald's Drive Thru - but the last thing isn't a problem for you, because now you don't have to use this lane... :grin:

And not to forget: if you let the car as LHD, it will be in original, "classic" condition. So this will be much more stylish and "cooler". Surely the girls will think it, too. :wink:

And driving LHD is more comfortable. At the most cars the space for the legs is bigger on the left than on the right side.
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What do you do?
Published 10/08/2009 @ 10:36:50, By marioman3138
[quote=ingo,32997]and "cooler". Surely the girls will think it, too. :wink:

Hmmm. I don't seem to have much luck with the faier sex...
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What do you do?
Published 10/08/2009 @ 11:33:54, By dragonboy3000
I finally will be getting a job.
I did a 6 month course on vehicle spray painting starting from January and finished in June.
ive now finally bagged myself an apprenticeship at a place.
This paticular place specialises in repairing and painting german luxury vehicles especially Mercedes-Benz.

Well today was my first day at this shop, and seems really good. As i said its all Mercs.
At the moment there's a couple of sweet AMG's (CLK 55 and a CLS 63), a B200 Turbo and then the other two or three are just standard C & E classes. So all seems good and definitely hope to stay at this place for a number of years
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What do you do?
Published 10/08/2009 @ 11:46:32, By marioman3138
Nice dragonboy, I wonder will you see some nice classics... Hope so!
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What do you do?
Published 11/08/2009 @ 07:04:26, By qwerty_86
I have two jobs: One as a web developer and the other as a research assistant at the university.
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