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We've seen, that many experiences,portrayed in older books and blogs about visitis there, are outdated. And that many suff, written by people, who never had been there, is bullshit.
Just the most obvious thing: the people there are living normal lives. Sure, there are several DPRK-unique pecularities, but the daily life is not too far away from the daily life of the people in other countries.

Sometimes it's said, that over there only a mass of party-soldiers are living, and everyone is busy with thinking about HIM, the revolution, the socialism and the enemyship to the USA etc.pp

And that there's famine everywhere, no traffic, no lights except for the monuments of HIM and so on. Well, there were such times in the past, after the 2nd half of the 90ies, but this has changed. Especially in the last 1/2, 3/4 years a lot has changed, according to the reports of people, who had been there then and today again.
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