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Cars & Movies » TV Series using 1951 Ford Country Squire: "The Mod Squad"
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TV Series using 1951 Ford Country Squire: "The Mod Squad"
Published 07/09/2009 @ 05:31:35, By chava01
I'm sorry to be using a new topic in order to post this, but I couldn't figure out how else to do it. I believe "The Mod Squad" drove a 1951 Ford Country Squire through most of the series, until towards the end they had to jump out of it when the break system was sabotaged. The three "officers" were able to jump out of the station wagon and it flew off a cliff and exploded when it hit the ground.
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TV Series using 1951 Ford Country Squire: "The Mod Squad"
Published 07/09/2009 @ 06:38:21, By tv boy
I thought that was a Mercury wagon, not a Ford. It should be five stars whatever it is.
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TV Series using 1951 Ford Country Squire: "The Mod Squad"
Published 07/09/2009 @ 12:53:09, By vilero
I think this post would be better in "Cars&Movies".

Anyhow, the TV series ('68-'73)are still in 'blank' in the site

On the contrary there is a 1999 movie already listed under the same name
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TV Series using 1951 Ford Country Squire: "The Mod Squad"
Published 08/09/2009 @ 10:17:16, By antp
I think this post would be better in "Cars&Movies".

:confused: why? it was rather a contribution, I'll add the car to the series page.
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