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I found this 10 year old web page lost all of these pictures. So, I decided to create a page to maintain its historical perspective here.
Shinjin series:
(With my modification translation assisting from Google Translate)
회사소개: 기업연혁: 신진자동차
About Us: Company History: Shinjin Motors
1955.02 신진공업사 설립(재생부품으로 최초의 국산택시 조립,제작)
1955-02 Shinjin Industrial establishment (the first part of the domestic renewable cab assembly, production)
1960.05 신진공업(주) UNKRA자금 20만불 지원으로 부산공장준공
1960-05 UNKRA funds $200,000 to Shinjin Industrial (LTD.) in support of Busan plant
1962.04 신진마이크로버스 생산개시
1962-04 Shinjin Minibus started the production
1963.06 대형버스 양산 개시
1963-06 Large bus mass production started
1963.11 최초의 국산승용차 "신성호" 제작(현 대우버스 부산공장) 성공
1963-11 The first domestic passenger "sinseongho" production (the current Busan factory Daewoo Bus) Success
Picture included 신성호 (
1964.04 반추럭, 짚, 추럭 생산개시
1964-04 Luck ruminant, straw (Jeep?), chureok start of production (Questionable translation)
1965.04 라이트버스 생산개시
1965-04 Light bus started the production
1965.08 대형버스 "파이오니아" 제작 성공
1965-08 Large bus "Pioneer" successful production
1965.11 새나라자동차 인수(국산화율 20%로 코로나 생산)[본격적인 자동차 생산과 보급]
1965-11 Saenara Motors acquired (Local 20% Corona production) [Full-scale car production and supply]
1966.01 신진자동차공업(주)로 상호변경
1966-01 Renamed to Shinjin Automobile Industrial (LTD.)
Picture included 신진자동차공업(주) (
1966.12 B-FB-50 신차1호 제작
1966-12 B-FB-50 First generation made
Picture included B-FB-50 (
1967.05 신진 크라운 생산개시(~72.07)및 6톤 카고 및 덤프생산
1967-05 Shinjin Crown started production (until 1972-07), 6-tons cargo and dump truck produced.
1968.08 퍼브리카 생산
1968-08 (Shinjin) Publica produced
1968.08 DB102L(~72.12까지 4,049대)생산
1968-08 DB102L (Until 1972-12, 4,049 made) production
Picture included DB102L (
1968.09 국영 한국기계 공업 인수
1968-09 State-run Korea Institute of Machinery Industry acquired
1969.11 지프 생산 개시
1969-11 (Shinjin) Jeep production started
Picture included 지프 생산 (
1970.04 지프자동차 조립공장 준공
1970-04 (Shinjin) Jeep assembly plant completed
1970.07 DHB400C(~72.08까지410대 생산)생산
1970-07 DHB400C (Until 1972-08, 410 made) production
Picture included DHB400C (
1970.11 DAB(~72.08까지 51대)생산
1970-11 DAB (Until 1972-08, 51 made) production
1971.02 RC420TP(~72.06까지 67대)생산
1971-02 RC420TP (Until 1972-06, 67 made) production
Picture included RC420TP (
Rest of the picture not listed:
Picture FB100LK ( (Questionable model name here)
Shinjin series:
(With my modification translation assisting from Google Translate)
회사소개: 기업연혁: 신진자동차
About Us: Company History: Shinjin Motors
1955.02 신진공업사 설립(재생부품으로 최초의 국산택시 조립,제작)
1955-02 Shinjin Industrial establishment (the first part of the domestic renewable cab assembly, production)
1960.05 신진공업(주) UNKRA자금 20만불 지원으로 부산공장준공
1960-05 UNKRA funds $200,000 to Shinjin Industrial (LTD.) in support of Busan plant
1962.04 신진마이크로버스 생산개시
1962-04 Shinjin Minibus started the production
1963.06 대형버스 양산 개시
1963-06 Large bus mass production started
1963.11 최초의 국산승용차 "신성호" 제작(현 대우버스 부산공장) 성공
1963-11 The first domestic passenger "sinseongho" production (the current Busan factory Daewoo Bus) Success
Picture included 신성호 (
1964.04 반추럭, 짚, 추럭 생산개시
1964-04 Luck ruminant, straw (Jeep?), chureok start of production (Questionable translation)
1965.04 라이트버스 생산개시
1965-04 Light bus started the production
1965.08 대형버스 "파이오니아" 제작 성공
1965-08 Large bus "Pioneer" successful production
1965.11 새나라자동차 인수(국산화율 20%로 코로나 생산)[본격적인 자동차 생산과 보급]
1965-11 Saenara Motors acquired (Local 20% Corona production) [Full-scale car production and supply]
1966.01 신진자동차공업(주)로 상호변경
1966-01 Renamed to Shinjin Automobile Industrial (LTD.)
Picture included 신진자동차공업(주) (
1966.12 B-FB-50 신차1호 제작
1966-12 B-FB-50 First generation made
Picture included B-FB-50 (
1967.05 신진 크라운 생산개시(~72.07)및 6톤 카고 및 덤프생산
1967-05 Shinjin Crown started production (until 1972-07), 6-tons cargo and dump truck produced.
1968.08 퍼브리카 생산
1968-08 (Shinjin) Publica produced
1968.08 DB102L(~72.12까지 4,049대)생산
1968-08 DB102L (Until 1972-12, 4,049 made) production
Picture included DB102L (
1968.09 국영 한국기계 공업 인수
1968-09 State-run Korea Institute of Machinery Industry acquired
1969.11 지프 생산 개시
1969-11 (Shinjin) Jeep production started
Picture included 지프 생산 (
1970.04 지프자동차 조립공장 준공
1970-04 (Shinjin) Jeep assembly plant completed
1970.07 DHB400C(~72.08까지410대 생산)생산
1970-07 DHB400C (Until 1972-08, 410 made) production
Picture included DHB400C (
1970.11 DAB(~72.08까지 51대)생산
1970-11 DAB (Until 1972-08, 51 made) production
1971.02 RC420TP(~72.06까지 67대)생산
1971-02 RC420TP (Until 1972-06, 67 made) production
Picture included RC420TP (
Rest of the picture not listed:
Picture FB100LK ( (Questionable model name here)