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I see. And indeed the complex structure of Belgium makes things difficult. And I've heard the accusations of "failed state", all coming from obviously perfect countries where everybody lives in harmony, with no unemployment or social tensions.

Actually there are a plenty of offended comments in German medias and on German websites about M.Bart de Wever's (Mayor of Antwerpen) statement.

Maybe it's questionable, if he had done his job all the time most properly and faultless - but he isn't totally wrong anyways. But still mainly. The most important reason for the actual problems isn't the handling of the actual refugee-crisis, it's rather the total and epic fail of the whole immigration politics of the last decades in Germany. The conservative/liberal politicians have always said "Germany is no immigration country. So we don't need any immigration laws. The forigners are guestworkers and will go home again" - epic fail. The socialdemocratic/leftwinged and especially green politicians have always said "We want to have a colurful, multicultural Germany. Integration is against the human rights"

So noone did do anything right. Actually noone did do anything.

But since the 1.1.2016 these opinions collapsed. There are some ideologic afterpains, but it seems, the most people do understand now, that the whole German immigration politics since the 50ies was a total disaster.
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