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Done. If you have the issue of not being able to add/edit stuff that you could do before, just log out and log in again.

New feature: now everyone can have titles displayed as they want :grin:
In the profile you can chose from this list:
0 => 'Original Title (International Title)',
1 => 'Transliterated Title (International Title)',
2 => 'International Title (Original Title)',
3 => 'International Title (Transliterated Title)',
4 => 'Original Title',
5 => 'Transliterated Title',
6 => 'International Title'

The 0 is the default since the update two or three weeks ago
The 2 is the option I previously added
If you want to find back the old IMCDb style from before that big update, select the 5: it displays the transliterated if there is one, otherwise the original title.
The 6 looks more like what IMDb does by default, displaying the international title if there is one, otherwise the transliterated title, otherwise the original title.

Now for all this to work it is important that everyone enters titles in the right fields :grin:
I added the transliterated title to the screen where you can enter movie fields, like the original & international fields.

So in case of non-latin original titles, the non-latin version must be put in the original field and the one used by IMDb as original one goes to the transliterated title.
If the original title is only in latin characters, of course it goes to the original title field like before, and the transliterated field stays empty.

Depending on the title style that you select for display as main title, the other ones are displayed in the alternative titles list, with the mention of what it is after it (original, transliterated or international), allowing to see all titles one way or another. And for admins, easily check if all titles are correctly entered in new movie pages.

I hope that everybody will be happy with that, as now there is really something for all tastes :smile:

One thing was lost in the update: if some movies had multiple transliterated titles, only one is now listed as transliterated title, the other ones are just listed as alternative titles.
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