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I can't manage both styles together, here I made the code more simple to maintain by merging add & edit pages, it is not for duplicating mobile & non-mobile :tongue:
I can fine tune some things if there are specific issues, but often the slightest change seems to be bad but people end up getting new habits.
The old admin pages were really from another time, even when they were made 20 years ago they already looked outdated :grin:

There is a scroll on the vehicle update page? On my screen all is shown on the screen height but maybe if you have a larger font size a scrollbar appears.
I decreased the general font size of admin pages, if you force refresh one of the admin pages it should update the cache and show the smaller text size.
Later I can try to reduce a little the margins between rows, hoping it does not make it difficult to use on mobile again.
Note that for saving you also have the shortcut Alt+Shift+S (or Alt+S depending on your browser settings), in addition to validating with the Enter key.

About the number change, I removed the IMDb mention since not all movies have an IMDb number (it was a text from the beginning of the site when we were listing only stuff that exists on IMDb). Is it really a problem that it says just "Change number"? :confused:

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