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But why is it important to list that Corolla anyway? It's completely background and it's ONLY a Corolla. Does anyone really care about them?
I think it's quite clear and visible background car. I have a rule for myself that background car should be atleast 50% visible and close enough to the camera. In this case the Corolla is about 50% visible and very easy to identify so I would let it stay.
I admit it's only a Corolla but maybe we should think things in long term. What is the situation ten years from now ? This Corolla might suddenly look interesting in 2017.
Newer cars don't interest me very much that's why I specialize in older movies and tv-series. I don't have to think so much about which car is interesting and which is not. I have posted a lot of background cars but I let them stay maybe a year and then I move them in to imageshack thumbnails.