Naming conventions » Incorrect spelling/listing
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Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 18/03/2010 @ 15:43:35, By Ddey65
1964, and primarily on Commercial vans. Passenger vans were primarily considered Sport Vans after 1965. All Vans, except for the Corviar Greenbrier/Corvan/Rampside/Loadside ones were considered G-Series, except for motor home chassis models made in 1984 or later which were RV-30's. G-10's were 1/2 ton vans, G-20's were 3/4 ton vans, and G-30's one ton vans.
Latest Edition: 18/03/2010 @ 15:46:02
Latest Edition: 18/03/2010 @ 15:46:02
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 15/04/2010 @ 14:19:54, By Ddey65
Here's a big old International Havester R-185 misidentified as a B-185:
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 03/05/2010 @ 13:20:02, By Ddey65
This International Harvester may have an Ansul Magnum fire extinguishing body on it, but it's actually an International Harvester Loadstar with an Ansul Magnum body on it:
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 10/01/2011 @ 14:21:35, By Ddey65
I know it has been 252 days since this thread has been active, but there's a Ford F-Series pickup in the 1976 movie "Car Wash" that has the wrong weight number, and no year:
This is a 1971 Ford F-250, not an F-100.
There's another Ford F-Series that has the year range noted, but it hasn't gone live yet.
Latest Edition: 10/01/2011 @ 14:22:20
This is a 1971 Ford F-250, not an F-100.
There's another Ford F-Series that has the year range noted, but it hasn't gone live yet.
Latest Edition: 10/01/2011 @ 14:22:20
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 10/01/2011 @ 15:08:27, By antp
It seems that someone fixed the 1st link but not the other... done now.
But for me the 2nd Ford has no interest to be listed: background, same pic as the first one, similar model.
Latest Edition: 10/01/2011 @ 15:08:59
But for me the 2nd Ford has no interest to be listed: background, same pic as the first one, similar model.
Latest Edition: 10/01/2011 @ 15:08:59
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 10/01/2011 @ 16:00:38, By Ddey65
Well, this 1951 Ford F-1, has been mislabled an F-100:
The Ford F-Series trucks were all one-digit numbers until 1953.
I thought more of these were fixed by now. I guess I'm going to have to look for more F-Series trucks with the wrong numbers.
Latest Edition: 10/01/2011 @ 16:02:18
The Ford F-Series trucks were all one-digit numbers until 1953.
I thought more of these were fixed by now. I guess I'm going to have to look for more F-Series trucks with the wrong numbers.
Latest Edition: 10/01/2011 @ 16:02:18
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 10/01/2011 @ 16:29:28, By antp
Funny that the other one linked on that page was renamed correctly, however

Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 21/01/2011 @ 16:14:28, By Lateef
All Porsche Panameras on this site are listed as sedans.. but when I come to think of it, shouldn't they rather be listed as hatchbacks? a a
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 22/01/2011 @ 23:27:38, By Sandie
Caterham Sevens are listed as Seven, 7, Super Seven and Super 7 [And that is before we get on to Roadsports, CSRs etc].
Shouldn't they all [With exception of verifiable CSRs, Classics, Superlights and Roadsports] be one thing? I think the right one is either Super 7 or Super Seven.
Shouldn't they all [With exception of verifiable CSRs, Classics, Superlights and Roadsports] be one thing? I think the right one is either Super 7 or Super Seven.
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 23/01/2011 @ 02:51:12, By antp
Aren't Seven and Super Seven different models? But I agree that we should rename 7 to Seven
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 23/01/2011 @ 19:56:13, By Sandie
I can't find any reliable source to say why one is one and the other is the other. It's like the two terms are interchangeable.
Not sure if this is the right thread but 72sonnet's post ( ) reminded me that the car here ( ) should be on the other page.
Not sure if this is the right thread but 72sonnet's post ( ) reminded me that the car here ( ) should be on the other page.
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 23/01/2011 @ 20:08:43, By antp
There is a "move" link on the vehicle page for that

Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 01/02/2011 @ 15:25:51, By Ddey65
Here's a Ford N-Series truck that was misidentified as a T-Series:
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 02/02/2011 @ 21:34:05, By Ddey65
Now, I'm going to do something a little different on this list:
The Disney Channel sitcom "Hannah Montana" ended in 2011, not 2010:
Latest Edition: 04/03/2011 @ 15:50:22
The Disney Channel sitcom "Hannah Montana" ended in 2011, not 2010:
Latest Edition: 04/03/2011 @ 15:50:22
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 02/02/2011 @ 21:48:24, By antp
it ended? isn't it still in production?
Latest Edition: 02/02/2011 @ 21:48:39
Latest Edition: 02/02/2011 @ 21:48:39
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 02/02/2011 @ 22:14:54, By Ddey65
No, I believe production ended sometime mid-way through last year. The final episode aired on January 18, 2011, and although I didn't record it, it did have cars in it.
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 16/02/2011 @ 13:43:59, By Ddey65
The so-called "Plymouth Fury" in Repo Man:
It's the 1975 Dodge Coronet mentioned on the thread.
It's the 1975 Dodge Coronet mentioned on the thread.
Incorrect spelling/listing
Published 04/03/2011 @ 15:49:43, By Ddey65
This 1972 Chevrolet station wagon in Gloria (1980) is incorrectly named an Impala:
It's actually a Kingswood. Full-size station wagons had their own names from 1969-1972.
It's actually a Kingswood. Full-size station wagons had their own names from 1969-1972.