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Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 07/11/2011 @ 08:57:24, By t0nkatracker
I can honestly say that while I have some very unusual dreams, I have never had any about IMCDb or it's members (although Antoine's cats did make an appearance in one of my dreams once
but that was only because i had watched a video that he had on fb right before I went to bed one night)

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 14/11/2011 @ 12:09:09, By 93_Montero
I wonder about Alexander too lateef
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 26/02/2012 @ 15:44:12, By ingo
Yesterday morning I woke up, very angry about dsl
I dreamt, that he had damaged with a white 1968 Hillman Minx the back bumper of my K 70. I was very pissed, because this is actually an irretrievable part.

I dreamt, that he had damaged with a white 1968 Hillman Minx the back bumper of my K 70. I was very pissed, because this is actually an irretrievable part.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 26/02/2012 @ 16:39:41, By dsl
Wasn't me - honest. I wouldn't use a Minx - it's too precious. But a Juke perhaps ....
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 08/07/2012 @ 01:36:23, By rjluna2
Last night I dreamt that there was a page for the greatest chase of the IMCDb. One picture containing a bed trailer with IMCDb member's name filled in
Of these member listed in the bed that I can remember are the word and country of origin flag of karoomay, antp and possiblity of ingo

Of these member listed in the bed that I can remember are the word and country of origin flag of karoomay, antp and possiblity of ingo

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 25/01/2016 @ 00:33:14, By rjluna2
Last night I dreamt that Antoine (antp) published a hard cover book with glossy pages about Internet Movie Car Database. The page layout was beautiful and detailed. It contains the profiles of the Movie/TV and its vehicles. The book also contains profile of both current and former members of this site.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 01/02/2016 @ 08:43:50, By DidierF
I don't know about you but I really had a dream—complicated and pleasant one—involving me in a movie theater taking pictures for IMCDb and, unsatisfied byt the angles I could take, entering the movie. It was the beginning of a rather long story.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 02/02/2016 @ 03:20:10, By Sandie
I have had a fairly similar dream to that once, also a fairly similar (non-IMCDB-related) recurring dream where I stumble across a collection of rare cars somewhere on the street and start taking pictures of them but never get any good shots or the camera won't work. There's probably some psychological explanation.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 02/02/2016 @ 06:45:15, By Baube
Didier, did you used the Last Action Hero ticket ?

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 02/02/2016 @ 13:30:25, By rjluna2
I have had a fairly similar dream to that once, also a fairly similar (non-IMCDB-related) recurring dream where I stumble across a collection of rare cars somewhere on the street and start taking pictures of them but never get any good shots or the camera won't work. There's probably some psychological explanation.
Dreams are always blurry and unable to do anything about it

On time I had a dream that I was using the computer, but always blurry or unable to control the process on the computer.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 31/12/2016 @ 21:22:38, By rjluna2
Last night I dreamt that Antoine (antp) host a TV game show called "The IMCDb Show". As usual, the background is yellow with a wide screen projector showing a sample of unknown vehicle. As Antoine described the unknown vehicle from the cartoon show from a contributor who posted this vehicle and asking for identification. The participant are the audience who attempt to identify this unknown vehicle. Sorry, that was it in my dream

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 01/01/2017 @ 03:02:07, By Baube
I can picture this.. contestants asked to " Come on down ! " and the closest ones continue until the final game...

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 01/01/2017 @ 11:07:36, By antp

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 08/06/2017 @ 13:32:45, By rjluna2
Last night, I dreamt that I bumped into Lateef with 5 other people in a small blue hatchback that has Suisse badge decal affixed at the front apron under the bumper. I started to talk with Lateef about that I was at Europe picking up the 1980s full size Oldsmobile that I bought for US$ 50. I also greeted with Lateef's pal as well. That was it.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 10/06/2017 @ 05:02:33, By Reg1992
What's a bit creepy, though, is that I can't turn off my car-spotting even when I'm asleep.
I'm like that everywhere I go in real life...sometimes I unintentionally imagine there is a camera behind my head viewing shots of cars from my POV, and some of the entires being posted in IMCDb. And of course I always misidentify everything and night cub corrects me.

Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 17/06/2017 @ 03:31:27, By DWelch
Last night, I had a weird dream that some of the member including me joining to a bedroom for a memorial service of the passing of our Spanish member. At first I visited a IMCDb web page whose dedicated a 81 year old member from Spain who pass away. Then our German member, ingo, hosted this memorial service discussing about Antoine (antp) who founded the site and then started talking about something else that I couldn't remember.
How about anyone else who has the weird dream in related to
How about anyone else who has the weird dream in related to

I haven't experience that kind of dream. That's really creepy.
You only dreamt about that once?
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 19/06/2017 @ 02:54:51, By DWelch
I have had a fairly similar dream to that once, also a fairly similar (non-IMCDB-related) recurring dream where I stumble across a collection of rare cars somewhere on the street and start taking pictures of them but never get any good shots or the camera won't work. There's probably some psychological explanation.
I agree with you. I think there's an underlying issue that needs to be resolved.
As for me, I treat dreams as a warning.
Weird Dream about IMCDb
Published 19/06/2017 @ 03:45:11, By Baube
Best explanation i can give is : don't drop the camera.. i'm living that dream for over 2 years now....
but i agree about some possible psychological explanation about dreams

but i agree about some possible psychological explanation about dreams