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Mass change model info thread
Published 11/09/2023 @ 08:17:50, By MisterZ
Suzuki "Caribbean" on this site is mis-spelled. It's actually "Caribian". This is confirmed by Wikipedia and other sources. For example, this pic, where the lettering on the rear window clearly reads Caribian:

All these need to be changed: 2&make=Suzuki&modelMatch=1&model=Caribbean&modelInclModel=on&modelInclChassis=on- &mk=&origin=&madein=&madefor=&role=

Latest Edition: 11/09/2023 @ 09:17:28

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Mass change model info thread
Published 11/09/2023 @ 21:10:31, By Exiv96
For example, this pic, where the lettering on the rear window clearly reads Caribian:

But since the SJ413 badge is also visible, shouldn't we rename them as SJ413 Caribian instead ?

(and SJ413 Sporty Caribian fot those with that longer roof/shorter hardtop)

Edit : Done.

Latest Edition: 11/09/2023 @ 21:20:24
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Mass change model info thread
Published 12/09/2023 @ 13:27:23, By antp
Indeed it seems that they were already renamed one by one by someone else

Latest Edition: 12/09/2023 @ 13:27:54
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Mass change model info thread
Published 17/09/2023 @ 12:41:03, By antp
Updated, thanks
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Mass change model info thread
Published 19/09/2023 @ 09:28:37, By MisterZ
Hyundai i30 - should be listed as built in Korea by default. We have a huge number of i30s appearing in Korean movies where this should be the case, but going through them all and changing them one by one would be very time consuming. So I suggest listing them all as made in Korea unless stated otherwise.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 19/09/2023 @ 11:22:45, By antp
Is that build location so important for cases like this one?
In the movie titles of those without assembly country I still see European titles, so having all these as Korean-built by default would be wrong too.
I think it is better not to have build info for 70% than having wrong info for 20% of them.

Indeed making a comment on each to change one by one would be time-consuming.
If you want to make a list of the vehicle IDs to be changed to one or the other, I can easily do the update based on that, and then change the rest to the other value.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 24/09/2023 @ 03:24:37, By MisterZ
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Mass change model info thread
Published 24/09/2023 @ 07:28:40, By dhill_cb7
^ antp cf this VIN and plate check:

1989 was the first year. Please do not update.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 28/09/2023 @ 16:01:57, By Gamer
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Mass change model info thread
Published 28/09/2023 @ 18:06:08, By antp
That was already discussed, hence my comments on that page
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Mass change model info thread
Published 05/10/2023 @ 14:29:34, By dhill_cb7
Antp I am a tad forgetful but can you update the 1988-1993 Chrysler New Yorker and Dodge Dynasty (there were Chryslers too sold in Mexico/Canada)?

According to allpar the platform/chassis code for these was [AC].
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Mass change model info thread
Published 05/10/2023 @ 15:26:46, By antp
I assumed it also applies to the New Yorker Fifth Avenue
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Mass change model info thread
Published 05/10/2023 @ 19:11:11, By dhill_cb7
Thanks and I believe there was also an Imperial model maybe @baube/night cub can chime in on those?

I forget how we list those in the database.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 07/10/2023 @ 20:02:38, By JB007
For all vehicles of "Simon Coleman", must add episode "01".
The year is "2022-2023".
The IMDb number is "29064303".
Isn't "Movie made for TV" but "TV Series".
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Mass change model info thread
Published 09/10/2023 @ 10:12:46, By antp
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Mass change model info thread
Published 09/10/2023 @ 12:48:52, By 48bux
All Eagle Premier and 1990 Dodge Monaco are built in Canada and use [AB] as chassis code, per Allpar. Maybe the Monacos are better to do manually since they are only 8 in a sea of other Monacos? :think:

Thanks in advance :smile:

Latest Edition: 09/10/2023 @ 12:51:59
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Mass change model info thread
Published 09/10/2023 @ 12:53:25, By antp
For the 8 Dodges, it is faster to do it at the same time as the Eagle than manually, as I could simply add the year to the condition :wink:

Latest Edition: 09/10/2023 @ 12:54:15
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Mass change model info thread
Published 09/10/2023 @ 12:55:57, By 48bux
Great, thanks :smile:
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Mass change model info thread
Published 09/10/2023 @ 20:33:26, By dhill_cb7
Antp not really a mass change but can you assign the database to automatically make US origin for the Armada?

Thank you!
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