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Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 23/05/2022 @ 03:14:28, By Exiv96
What do you think about for UK plates?
The owner asks me to add to the list because it returns more info.
The few tests I did seemed indeed return a little more info than those already listed.
The owner asks me to add to the list because it returns more info.
The few tests I did seemed indeed return a little more info than those already listed.
It seems OK to me.

Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 22/06/2022 @ 04:52:03, By dsl
Other sites give more detail than . It showed my Kia Ceed correctly, but did not mention it's an estate, a Ceed 2 (trim level) and just said diesel instead of 1.6CRDi EcoDynamics
Another example from earlier tonight - X617 JDW . It shows as blue Mondeo petrol, other sites show 1.8 Verona 5 door, built in Belgium.
So there are better sites for our purposes. I don't use mycarcheck or cazana either, as their info is only basic. My usual first stop is , but they have gaps, some silly entries and some marked as "Unknown Unknown" entries. is superb for detail, but only allows you a few (5?) enquiries per day.
I'm not sure what to suggest as The Best Site, because they all have quirks. Some of the apparently good ones delete data fairly quickly if DVLA have cleared out the records, which seems to happen more often now. Maybe for an easy general site or , but both are quick deleters.
Another example from earlier tonight - X617 JDW . It shows as blue Mondeo petrol, other sites show 1.8 Verona 5 door, built in Belgium.
So there are better sites for our purposes. I don't use mycarcheck or cazana either, as their info is only basic. My usual first stop is , but they have gaps, some silly entries and some marked as "Unknown Unknown" entries. is superb for detail, but only allows you a few (5?) enquiries per day.
I'm not sure what to suggest as The Best Site, because they all have quirks. Some of the apparently good ones delete data fairly quickly if DVLA have cleared out the records, which seems to happen more often now. Maybe for an easy general site or , but both are quick deleters.
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 22/06/2022 @ 06:48:19, By antp
I was surprise that those listed on the page seemed a little out of date, as a few years ago they were good. But I guessed that IMCDb staff switched to other ones.
I can add multiple ones to the page, do I add the four that you suggested or only some?
Latest Edition: 22/06/2022 @ 06:49:09
I can add multiple ones to the page, do I add the four that you suggested or only some?
Latest Edition: 22/06/2022 @ 06:49:09
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 22/06/2022 @ 13:46:49, By dsl
Yes - add all four if there's room. As said, there's no single best site, so folk will have to learn how to use a mix to get the best info. Sometimes DVLA is the best source.
Sites can also change over the years getting redesigns which drop some info fields or adding new ones. So it's always fluid.
Sites can also change over the years getting redesigns which drop some info fields or adding new ones. So it's always fluid.
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 15/11/2022 @ 16:58:43, By dhill_cb7
I have made a complaint on their page to say the link isn't working. Maybe if more people do that they may fix the site?
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 15/11/2022 @ 17:05:07, By antp
Indeed it does not work... but maybe it is just a temporary issue.
The link is still referenced in so I assume that it is supposed to be the right one.
The link is still referenced in so I assume that it is supposed to be the right one.
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 18/11/2022 @ 14:59:18, By RushCars24ID
Based on my discovery from Yowis Ben 1, I've found a new plate check site for Indonesian vehicles registered in the East Java area, please add it to the Links page.
Typo and grammar correction for the previous existing Indonesian plate sites...
- They only checks vehicles registered in the West Java and Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) areas.
- Their title got a typo listed in here, it's SAMBARA, not Samvara.
- SAMBARA should be titled in all caps.
Should be like this in the correct way...
ID: SAMBARA: Informasi Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor
ID Site for Indonesian plates, only for vehicles registered by divisions in the West Java area, also rarely works with those in the Greater Jakarta area.
If that works, SAMSAT should be aligned its description like SAMBARA above...
ID: SAMSAT: Informasi Data Kendaraan Bermotor dan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Provinsi DKI Jakarta
ID Site for Indonesian plates, only for vehicles registered in the Greater Jakarta area (Area code: B).
To prevent that typo incident again, for Bapenda, I write that myself...
ID: Info Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor - Bapenda Jatim
ID Site for Indonesian plates, only for vehicles registered by divisions in the East Java area.
Due to insufficient time, I'll leave out the references to the registration area codes for East Java and West Java to everyone here (I'm sure Antp can't do that alone, needs some support for him), make sure the prefix letter contains the matching division of city/regency from each of those two areas: East Java and West Java. These will help us to tell which area code that works on Bapenda (East Java only) and SAMBARA (West Java only). Y'all can save the research later if y'all want.
There's still a few more Indonesian plate sites other than those three above, but feel free for anyone to post here. I did found one for Bali, but they required me to insert a Customs Identification Number (NIK), which I believe, you have to insert the frame number or chassis number for that, which is a bummer.
Latest Edition: 18/11/2022 @ 15:05:28
Typo and grammar correction for the previous existing Indonesian plate sites...
- They only checks vehicles registered in the West Java and Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) areas.
- Their title got a typo listed in here, it's SAMBARA, not Samvara.

- SAMBARA should be titled in all caps.
Should be like this in the correct way...
ID: SAMBARA: Informasi Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor

If that works, SAMSAT should be aligned its description like SAMBARA above...
ID: SAMSAT: Informasi Data Kendaraan Bermotor dan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Provinsi DKI Jakarta

To prevent that typo incident again, for Bapenda, I write that myself...

ID: Info Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor - Bapenda Jatim

Due to insufficient time, I'll leave out the references to the registration area codes for East Java and West Java to everyone here (I'm sure Antp can't do that alone, needs some support for him), make sure the prefix letter contains the matching division of city/regency from each of those two areas: East Java and West Java. These will help us to tell which area code that works on Bapenda (East Java only) and SAMBARA (West Java only). Y'all can save the research later if y'all want.
There's still a few more Indonesian plate sites other than those three above, but feel free for anyone to post here. I did found one for Bali, but they required me to insert a Customs Identification Number (NIK), which I believe, you have to insert the frame number or chassis number for that, which is a bummer.
Latest Edition: 18/11/2022 @ 15:05:28
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 19/11/2022 @ 16:37:35, By antp
Thanks, it is updated
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/11/2022 @ 08:51:27, By dhill_cb7
Is the Belgium plate check site changed? I cannot seem to find where to check plates

Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/11/2022 @ 11:14:49, By antp
You mean using the link from the Links page?
It seems to be still at the same place, the "My vehicle, my plate" link on that page
Previously linking directly to the right page did not work, but maybe now it does?
Does this work for you? If so I can replace the link by this one.
Latest Edition: 24/11/2022 @ 11:15:44
It seems to be still at the same place, the "My vehicle, my plate" link on that page
Previously linking directly to the right page did not work, but maybe now it does?
Does this work for you? If so I can replace the link by this one.
Latest Edition: 24/11/2022 @ 11:15:44
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 24/11/2022 @ 20:01:52, By dhill_cb7
Yes the link you just posted works now
sorry to be a pest.

Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 25/11/2022 @ 19:29:28, By antp
No problem, I'm not sure why I used the other link... maybe to allow changing language? (for Dutch users)
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 04/12/2022 @ 06:54:42, By chicomarx
The My Plate thing didn't work for a long time, it doesn't give much useful info either. There's the VIP site which dhill_cb7 can read about in the admin section. It's rather complicated to get to the VINs, because they're not supposed to be public. I think antp discovered the flaw.
Latest Edition: 04/12/2022 @ 06:55:14
Latest Edition: 04/12/2022 @ 06:55:14
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 04/12/2022 @ 16:34:44, By antp
I think antp discovered the flaw.
It is a friend who discovered that

Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 14/01/2023 @ 12:46:11, By atom
New link for the Swedish site:
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 14/01/2023 @ 14:05:50, By antp
Thanks, updated
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 02/02/2023 @ 01:25:41, By chicomarx
The link at the very bottom is dead. Other sites - famfamfam.
You could replace it with a link to that pdf file from dsl to date British plates - Glass's Index.
Plus maybe for Dutch plates.
The link at the very bottom is dead. Other sites - famfamfam.
You could replace it with a link to that pdf file from dsl to date British plates - Glass's Index.
Plus maybe for Dutch plates.
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 02/02/2023 @ 08:05:44, By antp
For the flag icons, I updated the link to this one:
I replaced the Myanmar flag by the way, as it has changed... even if we do not use it often
I added the NL link, but for the Glass index I don't know if that can be distributed so freely?
I replaced the Myanmar flag by the way, as it has changed... even if we do not use it often

I added the NL link, but for the Glass index I don't know if that can be distributed so freely?
Thread for posting new license plate sites
Published 29/03/2023 @ 13:39:54, By Exiv96