14/10/2008 @ 18:08:23: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
An addition of police-videos in a reportage:
Translation: the first civil police-car is a Opel Omega "3.6 liter, V6, over 200 hp, 240 km/h", they said.
The owner of the Mercedes CL (here his wife was driving) has said, that the Benz is "openend", so the 250 km/h-stopper was mounted off. "It makes 300 km/h. I drive it, when the road is free".
The chase with the VW Bus went originally over 20 minutes. The driver had said later: "My wife has left me. I don't care about anything any more".
The crash with the van happenend, when the police has filmed the race between the Audi A 6 and the motorbike.
17/10/2008 @ 11:14:16: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
21/10/2008 @ 12:37:08: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
21/10/2008 @ 12:55:49: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
They actually can if they are on an emergency service (at least in Spain) but is that crash real? or was it staged?
21/10/2008 @ 14:19:16: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Indeed they can pass red light, but who had priority in this case?
I have no info about the video to know if it is real or not.
21/10/2008 @ 14:33:03: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
If it happened to be real then i suppose this was a bad coincidence

also what a coincidence that both vehicles were fire trucks on service, it all is quite odd, i dont know what to think
26/10/2008 @ 16:52:42: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
It could be, yes, I have seen a 343 before I think. Maybe add this song ingo. Midnight Oil are a great band. The airplane is in Sydney, at the airport. cool isn't it?
@marioman: yes, the Volvo 300-Series was sold in Down Under. I just got from Australia the "MM Motor Manual" May 1985, which I've bought at eBay (sure, because of the article "K70: The forgotten VW"). There is an coloured two-page-advertise for the 360 GLT inside "For anyone who thought they'd never be interested in a Volvo".
26/10/2008 @ 19:13:45: ville84: Car videos worth watching :)
02/11/2008 @ 00:55:29: Neptune: Car videos worth watching :)
Passenger Bus crash test! Awesome footage ...
I’ve seen lots of things crash tested, but never a leviathan passenger bus.
A must see:
Anyone know what kind of bus it is?
03/11/2008 @ 02:35:44: Neptune: Car videos worth watching :)
Someone actually sent that video to me via e-mail, they knew I had a travel trailer and thought I’d get a shock from it. The video was shot by a Bank ATM Machine.
The driver and his 10 year old son escaped from the truck with no major injuries. The truck was a 2008 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad-Cab (had the new tail lamps) and the Travel-Trailer was a high rise Fifth-Wheel Class Fleetwood Everest.
And yes I’m always careful, when towing. Though the Fleetwood Everest is much taller than my Fleetwood Wilderness.
The first time I saw the video I was like – Oh ... My ... God !
03/11/2008 @ 11:00:56: BlackIce_GTS: Car videos worth watching :)
The driver and his 10 year son escaped from the truck with no major injuries.
I'm glad I read this first, it wouldn't have been so funny otherwise.
Dodge Ram Challenge: Given that these are really just commercials, this is to a disturbing extent, exactly like reality TV.
official site
04/11/2008 @ 15:26:45: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
The verb "alunizar" in Spanish means "to land on the moon", nevertheless this verb is also used for when a person uses a car to "hit" a shop plate glass and steal the items inside because in Spanish that kind of big "glasses" and car's windscreens are called "lunas" (literally "moons" in English), well, the thing is that there was a band the police was after that had peculiars methods like going the wrong way on the motorway in their getaways, and one fo the times this is what happened:
I thought this had happned this week since that's when it's been on TV but the date on the video does not match so i'm not sure, it probabaly happened weeks ago and they are showing it now to us.
05/11/2008 @ 19:25:08: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
This kind of burglaries with ramming cars into shop-windows we also have in Germany, we call it "Blitz-Einbruch". This happens mainly to jewelry-shops, opticians and mobile-phone-shops.
I think, it was getting less the last years, perhaps because some were finally catched.
It was a profession of Polish and Romanian gangsters. They preferred mostly -surely stolen before- Audi's, especially the first A8.
For some shops, which are located at bigger streets, and which easily could be hit by cars, it was a serious problem. Several tried to mount strong steel- or concrete-pilars in front of their shopping-windows, but often this is not possible.
I'm working in the claim department of an insurance company, and I know, that, when these "Blitz-Einbrüche" have increased, we had thrown out a lot of optician-shops and mobile-phone-shops. Jewlry-shops we don't have many as customers - shall other insurances loose their money with them.
07/11/2008 @ 23:51:43: Neon: Car videos worth watching :)
08/11/2008 @ 00:03:28: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
Saw that video years ago, if i lived in that corner i'd be quite entertained everyday

by the way Neon, i suppose you saw this on the news this summer...
http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=WMfJ_IZYHJA so terrible
08/11/2008 @ 00:08:23: Neon: Car videos worth watching :)
Saw that video years ago, if i lived in that corner i'd be quite entertained everyday
Yeah, maybe this guy has put a camera on the window
Yes, is horrible see this video...
12/11/2008 @ 11:45:52: antp: Car videos worth watching :)