Thing that happened 7 months ago in very center of Belgrade - dead-drunk (1.98 of alcohol in the blood

) businessman from Kragujevac (central Serbia) is driving in opposite direction in front of the state Parliament, and almost crashes his car down the stairs:
He did that 16th October 2009., while old traffic law was still applied, so it could be said that he got away with it - only 500 euros fine and prohibition to use a vehicle for 6 months. If he did that now - fine would be 300 euros, 8 months prohibition to use vehicle, 12 (out of maximum 18) penalty points and 15 to 60 days in jail.
Few more horrifying things - old man driving a Yugo in opposite direction on the E-75 highway

Another one - with Citroen XM:
With old Volkswagen Jetta:
Grandma driving a Yugo 120 kmh in opposite direction on E-75: