police car pursuits are less impressive in France than in USA
(but it seems that they are not allowed to push the car like American cops do, except special forces)
I must ask my brother-in-law about the German rules. Generally the cops here are allowed to use violence, when there is "Widerstand gegen die Festnahme" (resistance against the arrest) - which can be well defined by the cops. For my brother-in-law it's a resistance, when at a traffic-control you close the doors and refuse to disembark. Of course it is, when you try to escape.
As he says: "I always get everyone out of his car. My speciality is, to pull him throughout the windscreen"
Some cops, those in the traffic departments and of course of the special forces as SEK
and MEK
learn this pushing with cars, resp. to use a car as a weapon. Occasionally my brother-in-law works as an instructor for those trainings.
P.S. The SEK-fellows, you see in German TV- and movie-productions, are mainly real ones, with their original equipment. Of course this kind of side job is not really legal - but as they always wear their balaclava, they cannot be identified
Such movie-jobs are fun for them and they earn some € cash and tax-free