Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
04/12/2015 @ 13:54:57: ElSaxo: Car videos worth watching :)
Someone in Fiat must had a fascination for such "badass" promotional videos, these are not the only ones
05/12/2015 @ 00:14:30: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
Reminds me the Fiat ad with Bob the stuntman testing the 131 in Africa : (in French)

Kenya plates, where they drive on left but it's LHD car?!?
10/12/2015 @ 12:16:32: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Two crucial goofs and one stolen idea* in one shord ad:

11/12/2015 @ 00:25:15: cl82: Car videos worth watching :)
:grin: I can't say anything about the K70 but I've heard many people say about the Omega that one of its few benefits was indeed the chassis.
11/12/2015 @ 00:34:12: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
and the seats! Indeed the Omega was one of the last cars with super-comfortable "grampa-fauteils", as in the past for example the Ford Granada was well known for.
It's impossible to find such seats nowadays in modern cars :ohwell:

P.S. The K 70-seats are o.k., but the biggest comfort-advantage of the K 70 is the space for your legs, as the dashboard is quite far away from the passenger's bones.

The RO 80 has real great seats, too, especially from 1974 onwards, when it got the Audi 100-seats.

P.S. I'm still awaiting the revealing, what I mean with "goof" in my last comment. By dsl, as he has to know it. :oh:
11/12/2015 @ 00:55:00: Sandie: Car videos worth watching :)
Two crucial goofs and one stolen idea* in one shord ad:

Filmed in Scotland and mirrored?

I didn't realise Opel used 'Layla' as a motif in their ads too, like Vauxhall did at this time.
11/12/2015 @ 05:17:24: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
Not sure what the specific goofs are apart from no railways on Skye. I think I recognise some of the shots - obviously Storr pinnacle, then other bits around Loch Sligachan with bits of Raasay and Scalpay behind, and a Cuillins-ish glimpse - bit confusing because some of the bits I think they are should have more housing visible. Or is it simpler than that - it always rains on Skye, and the last sunny day like that was 1927, several years before the Omega was launched??
11/12/2015 @ 09:29:40: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Not sure what the specific goofs are apart from no railways on Skye. I think I recognise some of the shots - obviously Storr pinnacle, then other bits around Loch Sligachan with bits of Raasay and Scalpay behind, and a Cuillins-ish glimpse - bit confusing because some of the bits I think they are should have more housing visible. Or is it simpler than that - it always rains on Skye, and the last sunny day like that was 1927, several years before the Omega was launched??

Yes, you got it :banzai:

a) no railways on Skye
and -a bit less important-
b) from a location, where this brand wans't sold any more at that time
11/12/2015 @ 14:21:54: ElSaxo: Car videos worth watching :)
from a location, where this brand wans't sold any more at that time

After that, is that really an issue?
18/12/2015 @ 18:30:11: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
Russian car crash videos, everybody loves them. Oh wait, it's Belgium.
28/12/2015 @ 18:46:22: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
police car pursuits are less impressive in France than in USA :grin:
(but it seems that they are not allowed to push the car like American cops do, except special forces)
28/12/2015 @ 22:33:37: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Sometimes pushing just doesn't work either... :grin:
29/12/2015 @ 00:24:39: eLMeR: Car videos worth watching :)
[...] (but it seems that they are not allowed to push the car like American cops do, except special forces)

I don't know the exact laws about it, but the cops apparently get in trouble even if asked for doing it. A few months ago, some of them pushed smoothly an old man who was stuck with his broken down electric wheelchair on the express road (don't ask me what he was doing there, but the stubborn old man didn't want to abandon the chair, refused to call a mechanic and asked to the cops to push him, so they did what they thought right to clear the traffic):

The old man's family didn't make a complaint: on the contrary, they supported the policemen when the police union decided to penalize them.

(off-topic, but I like this one : :smile:
For non Francophone users: cops are called poulets (chickens) in French slang)
29/12/2015 @ 03:55:10: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
For non Francophone users: cops are called poulets (chickens) in French slang)

Any alternate slang names ? here we almost go thru the farm with pigs ( cochons ) , beefs ( boeufs ) and sometimes dogs ( chiens ) in addition to the chickens.
29/12/2015 @ 05:03:10: eLMeR: Car videos worth watching :)
Bœuf-carottes (Beef with carrots) or just bœufs for the cops from the IGPN (fr), the "police of the police" :wink:
There's maybe other farm "relations" in Belgian, Swiss or African French slangs?
29/12/2015 @ 12:22:05: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
police car pursuits are less impressive in France than in USA :grin:
(but it seems that they are not allowed to push the car like American cops do, except special forces)

I must ask my brother-in-law about the German rules. Generally the cops here are allowed to use violence, when there is "Widerstand gegen die Festnahme" (resistance against the arrest) - which can be well defined by the cops. For my brother-in-law it's a resistance, when at a traffic-control you close the doors and refuse to disembark. Of course it is, when you try to escape.

As he says: "I always get everyone out of his car. My speciality is, to pull him throughout the windscreen"

Some cops, those in the traffic departments and of course of the special forces as SEK
and MEK

learn this pushing with cars, resp. to use a car as a weapon. Occasionally my brother-in-law works as an instructor for those trainings.

P.S. The SEK-fellows, you see in German TV- and movie-productions, are mainly real ones, with their original equipment. Of course this kind of side job is not really legal - but as they always wear their balaclava, they cannot be identified :grin:
Such movie-jobs are fun for them and they earn some € cash and tax-free :sol:
29/12/2015 @ 23:32:15: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
UK police cars in white with red side strips are often called jam sandwiches. Newer liveries with checkerboard side pattern on reflective yellow sometimes called Battenberg after the cake.
30/12/2015 @ 03:57:02: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
dsl's food-related slang name reminded me that i totally forgot donuts-eater ( mangeux de beignes )
30/12/2015 @ 10:27:31: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
I'm discovering that in Quebec "beigne" has also the meaning of "beignet" ("donut"), here it only has the first meaning:
(here we would call them "mangeurs/bouffeurs de beignets", but just for American cops :D)
17/01/2016 @ 22:54:37: Nightrider: Car videos worth watching :)
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