01/04/2016 @ 09:11:25: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
21/05/2016 @ 12:00:58: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
It was totally unfair that Europe had a convertible version of the Escort while North America did not.... so somebody did something about it...
06/06/2016 @ 03:29:25: eLMeR: Car videos worth watching :)
Said to help improving traffic conditions and to lower pollution emissions, the Chinese straddling bus:
Safety seems to be better handled when compared to the first ideas
shown 6 years ago, but if this project becomes a reality, I really wonder how many car accidents (due to surprised reactions, panic crisis or even heart attacks) will occur when cars will be overtaken (swallowed?) by this "bus"...
06/06/2016 @ 03:44:17: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
or by cars seeing their exit ( or street they want to turn in ) while being under it
But i like the idea..
06/06/2016 @ 18:33:15: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
I still wonder how they'll solve the problem that only cars can go under it, i.e. no truck, bus or even a little big van or vehicle with things on the roof
Also, in the 3D video the whole thing seem to follow the curves like if it was in rubber or soft plastic, but in reality that thing is suppose to be solid, i.e. not fold in curves except where they put hinges.
15/06/2016 @ 05:23:13: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
found a video of the 2016 firefighters parade which was part of ' La grande fete des pompiers ' in Laval
The one i saw on a tow truck a few days before the event but couldn't get my own pic of , but found an internet pic of it that i posted
here is at 4:01, right before the Chevy Uplander
Also add the 2015 one, pretty much the same vehicles, with a few extras
And a 'jaws of life' / car fire demonstration. Of course, in real life it would be faster, they slow down the pace so everybody could see what they are doing
Sorry that they are in french only, i don't think there is an english version somewhere...
Last thing : watch out for the ears... they make a lot of noise
17/06/2016 @ 11:41:10: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
19/06/2016 @ 00:31:01: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
19/06/2016 @ 05:10:17: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
Japanese documentary (1hr 54 mins) on the story of the Toyota 2000GT
apparently there was a DVD release, so in theory it could be posted on the main site. But I've no idea what its actual title was.
Does anyone from Japan want to chime in on this?
19/06/2016 @ 06:53:16: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
I was really surprised that the Citroen C6 had a New York license plate... just wondering where he will go to get the car fixed...
now that i know some are in NA....not that the C6 is the best looking car but id really want to see one in front of me...and get a pic of it
19/06/2016 @ 09:43:05: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Yes I was expecting that it was a test car from PSA, but it seems that it belongs to the guy sitting in the backseat? (like the Fisker Karma)
I guess that there are still some garage that can service the DS & CX, and so can at least do the special suspension stuff of the C6. For the electronic parts however it must be more difficult to handle.
19/06/2016 @ 17:34:56: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
19/06/2016 @ 17:48:22: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
And, just in case you forget that it’s a French car, a fire extinguisher was included as standard." ... well, not because it is a French car, but because originally sold in Belgium where a fire extinguisher is mandatory
edit: and I see that someone made the same comment there on the site
19/06/2016 @ 18:11:12: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
it has to be standard on new vehicles only or even the old beaten up ones are required to have the fire extinguisher ?
19/06/2016 @ 18:17:46: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
It is part of mandatory pack, with the danger triangle, fluorescent vest and small medic kit, provided with all new cars (and that must be in any car on the road).
The fire extinguisher and the vest must be within the passenger compartment, not in the trunk.
22/06/2016 @ 20:41:39: Purzel89: Car videos worth watching :)
A (german) song about a broken car. I guess you get the funny side of it even if you dont understand german. Its a real performance to make a 5 minute song about a broken car.