Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
22/06/2016 @ 21:33:33: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
A (german) song about a broken car. I guess you get the funny side of it even if you dont understand german. Its a real performance to make a 5 minute song about a broken car. :crazy:

:beer: Thanks for the mental impact!

You posting made me think, if this song -which existed as original vinyl only on two discs! Even the freaks had seach for it for years- is to find on Youtube. And yes, it is!

Oh, and annother song is again on Youtube!

For some years this song was blocked due some controversies about the melody, but this seems to be gone - and the new clip shows nice original scenes from old times! :smile:

Hmm, but the Youtube of

is getting lost. Anyways, this version shows a plenty of scenes with DDR- and oter COMECON-Cars. I'd say, it's from the -already listed- movie:

:wam: There was even a Russian dubbing! :wam:

P.S. Accidentally found on the seach for the previous clips:

"Fast cars in the DDR", about Ulli Melkus and other racing car freaks overe there:

P.S.II annother catch, an actual documentation about cars, available in the DDR:

I haven't watched the fully video, so for some rarities and specialities, you have to look by yourself.

@dsl: there is a guy from the
to see. The museum, which owns a "made for DDR" Hillman Minx, but without any background informations about the circumstances of this deal with Britain.
23/06/2016 @ 00:00:16: Purzel89: Car videos worth watching :)

Maybe the Soviets supported the making of the film. Was it communist-friendly? Judging by the name i dont think so, but tell me if it was communist-friendly. That could explain the dubbing.

Btw, lyrics were available and it was supposed to be sung by a school class if i read that correctly. This helped children learn german? :heink: 0ahUKEwiai8u60bzNAhXnYpoKHfSZCHQQFggpMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.songsforteaching.c- om2FLingoTech1Lyrics.doc&usg=AFQjCNE979tYeadVeTrAaAJyvMzYrQeK3g&sig2=7sNJGPotIkH- NRRjrhE4l0A
06/07/2016 @ 16:48:24: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
It's a set up scenario, i know... but as a kid i bet it feels like Xmas to 'find' a General Lee in a barn . really wish i was one of the kids.... no, in fact, wish i was a 16 years old kid so i can get behind the wheel....

( Edit : i'd love to find one even if i'm not a kid anymore !! ) :lol:
08/07/2016 @ 10:06:46: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
off-road police chase in Russia :
08/07/2016 @ 17:28:38: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
If they don't already have, its time for the police to buy some SUV... :wink:

but we don't know it ends.. maybe he was..welcomed on the other side of the hill...
08/07/2016 @ 18:20:47: Nightrider: Car videos worth watching :)
Was it communist-friendly? Judging by the name i dont think so, but tell me if it was communist-friendly.

I would say, that it is harmless, viewer-friendly movie)
17/07/2016 @ 04:47:43: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Might be a sad end for some classics and other old cars . Said to be for sale but not sure they will be sold.. :sad:
21/07/2016 @ 18:20:36: Purzel89: Car videos worth watching :)
Alarm für Cobra 11 for real. The company "Brave rabbit" has visualized real car crashes with CGI based on crash investigations and eyewitness reports. As you can say, sometimes even real life can be an action movie.

The crash at 00:24 was the most disturbing i think. A VW bus tangled up with a guard rail so badly that it jumped up high in the air, bumped on the roof of another car and hit a truck head on into the wind screen! I also saw the real pictures and i only thought: wtf?
21/07/2016 @ 19:48:34: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
to me the most disturbing is the white van getting smashed by the train.... so easily avoidable..just press the brake pedal ! red light is not flashing for fun ! . The one you talk about is probably the most spectacular.. once you get in the air, no matter how hard you turn or press brake, nothing will change...
22/07/2016 @ 11:12:13: Purzel89: Car videos worth watching :)
What baffles me the most is that the VW bounces off the sedan like a rubber ball. How is that possible? Okay, speed was a factor in this crash and also the cause. But i bet no stunt team could recreate this accident.

A child in the passenger seat of the VW and the driver of the sedan were killed. I could not find the aftermath pictures anymore but the pictures proved the story true. Myself could not find any other explanation as the given one.
24/07/2016 @ 06:24:31: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Possibly the best place on Earth to be if you are a car safety engineer ... and the worst place to be if you are a crash test car.. :grin:

the place : Volvo Cars Safety Centre

and while looking for it , found that video.... reminds me of that ' unkillable ' Toyota Truck ....
25/07/2016 @ 03:47:19: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
The conversion of a Piaggo Ape into a mini-motor home.
06/08/2016 @ 10:15:03: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Lada windscreen does not seem very solid:
06/08/2016 @ 11:15:56: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
the last suggestion in antp's link is quite funny too... saw a similar scene earlier this year as a Mitsubishi Outlander tried many times to get in a space clearly too small and hit a Hyundai Elantra.... :halalala:
12/08/2016 @ 18:09:07: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
rather efficient method for picking cars parked where they shouldn't
12/08/2016 @ 18:39:53: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
quickly removed... but one day they'll drop one and it will take more than a minute to pick it up....

did you checked , the 1st link in the right column of your video ? hilarious ( or i'm really tired.. ) :lol:
12/08/2016 @ 20:10:08: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
yes :grin: I may have posted that one (or a similar one) previously
14/08/2016 @ 10:30:02: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Citroën BX found in NY streets :

(with one error: the suspension is the same for both front & rear, they say the front is conventional)
17/08/2016 @ 17:18:58: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Using cell phone while driving is bad .. mmkay ? :wink:

the following video is funny too...
05/09/2016 @ 20:03:35: atom: Car videos worth watching :)
Rally with GAZ 51 trucks:
... 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ... 70 