Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
05/09/2016 @ 23:36:47: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Not that i watch Rallye that much...but it is a BIG change from the usual Impreza & friends... :grin:
09/09/2016 @ 03:07:40: eLMeR: Car videos worth watching :)
Not really fresh news (it occurred in April), but I don't remember having seen it in the forum: a bulldozer fight in China.

Warning, the sound is very badly recorded and really loud.
09/09/2016 @ 03:53:01: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)

like one of the comments : the cube is somewhere nearby

or, for the older ones like me who saw the 80's cartoon... might be those ones.. :grin:
09/09/2016 @ 17:55:08: Gamer: Car videos worth watching :)
Not really fresh news (it occurred in April), but I don't remember having seen it in the forum: a bulldozer fight in China.

Warning, the sound is very badly recorded and really loud.

I read about that by coincidence in an old newspaper lying around at the papery where I work.
10/09/2016 @ 03:30:23: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
Citroën BX found in NY streets :

(with one error: the suspension is the same for both front & rear, they say the front is conventional)

"Carspotting in Chelsea- Live!"

I still can't help but think of this song:
21/09/2016 @ 02:55:48: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Trucks vs low bridge

The bridge even has its own website

As told in the website's FAQ, many signs and measures have been taken to try to stop the crashes but still...,-78.9099725,3a,75y,209.47h,85.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXmK9S7F0AN6PMlzw9J3ycA!2e0- !7i13312!8i6656

i'm not a truck driver but..aren't they suppose to know their vehicle's height ? :ohwell:
23/09/2016 @ 08:59:16: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
That bridge is well known indeed, I already saw videos/pics of it posted around here.

A good solution (but not easy to install anywhere) :
24/09/2016 @ 16:10:39: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
It's a car ! It's a plane ! It's the Helicron !

to be honest...i almost want to try it :lol:
29/09/2016 @ 00:00:07: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
Somebody who loaded a Lamborghini onto a cheap ramp truck:
30/09/2016 @ 12:33:57: ElSaxo: Car videos worth watching :)
Too much cheap, I'd say. It's already rusting?
05/10/2016 @ 10:29:39: night cub: Car videos worth watching :)
Volkswagen graveyard in the Belgian woods

Lots of Beetles and Buses. Some old 4x4s. Autoweek did a story on the video and theorized that the cars were probably abandoned about 20 years ago.
05/10/2016 @ 15:45:08: Exiv96: Car videos worth watching :)
One of the "Deehatsus" has a pair of stickers on the windscreen in support of agriculture. I think they're from around 2000, when farmers went on various demonstrations around Belgium. But looking at the cars themselves, it's clear this not a car graveyard from the olden days when Beetles were part of the daily traffic. This is only from 15-20 years ago, when Beetles were already in the hands of enthousiasts (collectors, customizers, autocrossers). IMHO, it's really surprsising to see a place like this already abandoned and explored as if it was some ancient relic.
06/10/2016 @ 21:54:43: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
( Not so ) Safety cars videos ....
18/10/2016 @ 05:55:29: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
I'm getting confused... are we in 1955 , 1985 or 2015 ? :eek:

Wondering if they tried to get to 88 mph..... :wink:
23/10/2016 @ 18:19:33: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
ever felt going backwards to work ?
02/11/2016 @ 16:11:20: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)

In Holland backward-races with the Vaiomatic-DAF-cars (they can drive backwards as fast as forward) were very popular, annoyingly still nowadays as it seems - one video is from 2013.
03/11/2016 @ 17:58:46: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
Stupidly destroying their own automobile heritage. I guess a problem that will solve itself.
03/11/2016 @ 21:21:39: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
I was also a little surprised that these races still exist; are these cars still so common? Or will they soon be extinct?

"This is why you never steal a Jeep's parking spot!"
24/11/2016 @ 09:30:45: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
This video reminds me of a Ford Mustang cutting a bunch of other vehicles on a boulevard . I wasn't one of the cut ones but i saw him changing lanes again and again right in front of other drivers.... then he made it to a Dodge Charger which had to brake a little bit hard to avoid the collision as the light turned red........ yeah, you all guessed it, the Charger was an unmarked police car....

Remember, if you want to do an illegal move on the road, check out for the cars with the lights on top first.. :grin:
25/11/2016 @ 09:31:00: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
:grin: It remembers me: while driving in France, a sportscar pass us at a very high speed, then shortly afterwards I slow down to let pass a police car coming out of its hideout, which pursuits the speeding car (I do not remember which car model it was, but the acceleration was impressive). A little further we find both stopped on the site of the road. Unfortunately my dashcam was off at that moment :ohwell:
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