This video reminds me of a Ford Mustang cutting a bunch of other vehicles on a boulevard . I wasn't one of the cut ones but i saw him changing lanes again and again right in front of other drivers.... then he made it to a Dodge Charger which had to brake a little bit hard to avoid the collision as the light turned red........ yeah, you all guessed it, the Charger was an unmarked police car....
Remember, if you want to do an illegal move on the road, check out for the cars with the lights on top first..
Something like that I can see every few days in front of my office in the town of Dortmund. There is a crossing, where an U-turn is forbidden (btw.: when this sign,_StVO_1992.svg
was introduced in Germany in 1992, if was one of the first).
But many people are turning there, as it's the way to the stadium and the large event hall Westfalenhallen.
When the town council needs money -so always, Dortmund is overindepted-, they place some cops on the other side, hidden behind some trees, for picking them out. It's just all for money-making...