Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
23/04/2017 @ 14:54:01: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
While strolling around at Youtube, I've noticed some more videos from the legendary Nordschleife of the Nürburgring

Lookt at 3:25!

The music theme at 0:47 :lol:

The VW T3 at 3:42 has a sticker of

The Benz at 4:06 has a hidden original Polizei-siren. And a magnetic "Driving School" sticker on the back.

The canal contains only videos like that, several dozens:

When I made a ride in my K 70 there back in 1999, I remember, that at this place there were some blokes, yelling for strange cars - they have yelled for my K 70, too :grin:

Annother canal with similar stuff

incl. a driver's special:

...wich reminds me at a ride, my father made with me there in 1984, with our 1977 Audi 80 in manilagrün. There was annother Audi 80 passing us at first, but later on we saw it standing on the shoulder: the boy on the passenger seat had to throw up.

Here the classics from the 1970ies:
28/04/2017 @ 02:35:00: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
If you like old International Harvesters, you'll probably like this video:

The owner of this YouTube channel has a lot of interesting truck-related videos.
29/04/2017 @ 00:39:05: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
They look comparatively well preserved for sitting outside in Canada.

Here's a Saab 96 walkaround
V4 engine, located in Oregon.
30/04/2017 @ 18:44:11: ElSaxo: Car videos worth watching :)
I suppose this video may be of interest for someone, it's about someone driving through Pyongyang.
11/05/2017 @ 05:50:47: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
I'm no expert at towing things but.. wouldn't a Silverado be a better choice for this one ? :grin:
20/05/2017 @ 12:18:11: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
German police stops a car driving too slow on the left lane, and tries to explain to the drive why it is bad:
(English subtitles available with the "CC" button)

Failed carjacking in South Africa:
20/05/2017 @ 18:20:31: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
failed carjacking made me think of what i read in one of my car magazines ( the rubric was called stupid criminals from around the world or something like this and most were car-related ones ) . there was some carjackers who wanted to take a van somewhere is Asia . Single little problem : that van was full of martial arts teachers and it didn't took long before the hijacking attempt was over... :tinostar:

sorry for the lack of details , i still have the magazine but would have to dig for it all over the house..
07/06/2017 @ 17:25:46: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Car video not worth watching..
Buick Century been brutalized by Nashville Predators fans

and looks like hockey fans are not the only one to do something like this...
:roll: :halalala:
13/06/2017 @ 23:45:34: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Car video not worth watching..
Buick Century been brutalized by Nashville Predators fans

and looks like hockey fans are not the only one to do something like this...
:roll: :halalala:

It's a tradition on some Opel-meetings to destroy a VW and vice versa.

It shall be founded by Harley-Davidson-freaks. On their meetings is a Japanese motorbike to be destroyed.
13/06/2017 @ 23:58:22: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
At least my Penguins did avenged that poor Buick.. :youpi:
16/06/2017 @ 21:59:33: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
I just discovered this late-1970's "gem" of an educational film about street safety for kids called "Ricky Raccoon Shows The Way." I saw it at Rifftrax Summer Shorts Beach Party last night.

Lots of 1960's and '70's cars and trucks, and a Southern Railway diesel locomotive.

There are other shorts from this collection that have vehicles that could be added.
21/06/2017 @ 19:43:34: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
AutoTrader commercial featuring the General Lee . Even if sadly there is Charger abuse to be seen , i still like it :smile:
A look of what we don't see from our side of the screen
23/06/2017 @ 07:47:09: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
found a video of a car i saw in a Walmart parking lot
1990 confirmed, i saw it earlier this year and it has DRL...

video taken at the Orange Julep earlier this year ( sadly not by me.. :sad: ) . I didn't saw a Samara in years, so this one is probably the rarest one to be seen... i hope to see this one in front of me some day
23/06/2017 @ 14:41:54: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Russian Fidget Spinner, Lada-based
24/06/2017 @ 09:25:55: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
that looks fun ! :smile:
25/06/2017 @ 05:04:43: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
Cineramageddon at Glastonbury 2017 - ,

Mad Max set in Somerset?? SAABists may wish to look away now.
30/06/2017 @ 14:04:22: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
A Porsche trying to follow a Tesla:
03/07/2017 @ 05:08:09: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
This one time at gas station...

When your day stats like this..
Car : " i'm not sure.. can i taste that one again ? "

the joy of driving a JDM car in a country made for LHD

nice collection of abandoned Vette..
07/07/2017 @ 04:31:23: eLMeR: Car videos worth watching :)
nice collection of abandoned Vette..

Nice end for a long and varied story: prize for a TV game in 1988, bought (and almost forgotten) by an artist for some pompous project, the cars were discovered by fans in 2005, "disappeared" again and eventually ended up in restoration in 2014-15.

I wonder what the Vettes became since...
07/07/2017 @ 07:03:14: Ddey65: Car videos worth watching :)
Here's a 2011 car-related short film I may consider submitting;
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