Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
28/06/2018 @ 07:28:39: Reg1992: Car videos worth watching :)
A drive down Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, CA - circa 1967. In color and decent quality. I think rjluna2 would enjoy identifying all the 60s Chevrolets. :grin:

A nice surprise ending :wink:
28/06/2018 @ 12:45:45: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
^ .... a couple of surprises - Borgward, Victor [F].
28/06/2018 @ 15:26:29: Lateef: Car videos worth watching :)
the way the camera car ran the light at the end was more surprising to me :grin:
07/07/2018 @ 12:14:14: atom: Car videos worth watching :)
Worlds fastest combine harvester. What will they think of next?
10/07/2018 @ 14:20:20: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
01/08/2018 @ 07:30:14: topazbrad: Car videos worth watching :)
01/08/2018 @ 13:15:46: rjluna2: Car videos worth watching :)
Not for the faint hearted for Duterte’s Destruction Rages: 68 More Cars Crushed In Philippines.
02/08/2018 @ 07:45:03: topazbrad: Car videos worth watching :)
Damn, that's a waste of good cars.
02/08/2018 @ 10:31:05: night cub: Car videos worth watching :)
The long version (26 minutes) is here:

Looks like a Lambo, a half dozen Porsches, several different MBs and BMWs, including a Z3, 8+ Nissan Zs, a Nissan Pulsar GTI, a Chevy SSR, a couple of Mustangs, an Equus, a pair of Celicas, a Smart car, a Jag sedan and a plain Civic hatch. Duarte seemed to linger around the pair of MB SLKs during his walkaround. Several of the cars looked like they've been sitting in a swamp for a year or so.
02/08/2018 @ 16:52:59: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
The long version (26 minutes) is here:

What's the song in the background, a jubilation aria on the Titan of the Titanes (o.k. this was annother bloke)
02/08/2018 @ 18:42:24: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Maybe I already said that, but they rather should make a local version of "Alarm für Cobra 11" for destroying the cars in a more interesting way :grin:
02/08/2018 @ 19:56:52: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
I guess if you've become a president, you're entitled to demonstrate your powerfulness in some dramatic ego-trip gesture and smashing up cars is better than chopping off people's heads.
02/08/2018 @ 20:45:10: night cub: Car videos worth watching :)
I hope he doesn't give Orange Mussolini any ideas
03/08/2018 @ 11:36:03: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
You mean the one from USA ? They already destroy illegally imported cars there...
03/08/2018 @ 18:35:49: night cub: Car videos worth watching :)
Of course, how many orange people do you know of?
10/08/2018 @ 22:08:11: Nightrider: Car videos worth watching :)
16/08/2018 @ 19:09:39: Nightrider: Car videos worth watching :)
31/08/2018 @ 13:04:01: rjluna2: Car videos worth watching :)
There is This 1970 SS454 Chevelle Was Saved From An Alabama Backyard.
01/09/2018 @ 19:22:34: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
For fans of Fiat 500X and/orBack to the Future:
11/09/2018 @ 19:10:51: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
As my Imageshack account seems to be screwed (and some people feel annoyed, when I place a plenty of pics here), I'll show some clips of the events, I have participated, although the videos aren't made by me.

10 days ago I've been after 2 1/2 years again at

Nice weather, nice people, nice atmosphere, a good decision. I've found only tiny bits, but this was expectable, as there it's for 98-99% pure British.
But I've enjoyed it. And I could talk to some automotive eccentrics about some envisaged travelling plans :whistle:

Tomorrow I want to spot the start of
as it's in my neighbourhood. I really should participate there again, our only time was 12 years ago.

I know the organisators since over 25 years, from my favourite event
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