Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
25/05/2021 @ 20:13:59: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
A bizarre story: the guy, who offers these wrecks, has bought a storage hall, full with cars, plus 50 scrap cars, placed around it.

This hall is one of seven(!) halls -secretly hidden somewhere in the Ruhr Area-, where the former owner of a VW dealership has stored an unbelievable classic car collection - dozens of high priced premium cars, one hall only with Audi 200, over 300 motorbikes 1890 - 1990 and masses of more vehicles.

The buyer needed months, until the seller accepted, that the buyer took the wrecks away and cleared the place off.

The seller and secret collector, a multiple millionaire, 82 years old and seriously ill, cried over and over, when these wrecks were picked out of the dirt and carried away.

And he still continues to buy cars for his collection (the collection noone is allowed to see)...
31/05/2021 @ 03:01:39: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
As countries like Norway will be banning new petrol cars by 2030, let's delve into the energy requirements for all those EV's:
31/05/2021 @ 09:10:34: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
As countries like Norway will be banning new petrol cars by 2030, let's delve into the energy requirements for all those EV's:

Well, I wouldn't be that sure, that this will happen, as the ideological activists are promoting it - it's just 9 years until 2030, but there are still some elections until that.

So despite the danger, that in Germany we may have a Green government after this September, I'm relaxed about that topic.
As we say in German: you don't eat it that hot, as it was cooked.

And btw: who cares, if that would really happen?
All really freaking interesting cars are already built decades ago.

P.S. here at imcdb we have a peaceful heaven - it's one of the very few car-related forums, where no E-fetishists and Tesla-fanboys are trolling around.
Other forums already became unbearable due that fanatics.
24/06/2021 @ 18:54:52: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
For antp: a ride through Brussels before low emission zones:
09/07/2021 @ 16:46:09: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Nice :smile:
09/07/2021 @ 19:27:08: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
Have a few useless plastic lighters and some free time ?
this video might be for you :smile:

many other models available on his channel as well
29/07/2021 @ 16:45:52: Jnglmpera: Car videos worth watching :)
Who would win: An old tofu-delivering Toyota, or a Marseilles taxi? :tongue:
10/09/2021 @ 13:07:37: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Evolution of the Lada Niva :
10/09/2021 @ 19:32:44: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
they forgot that the vertical tail lights came in the mid 90's ... :whistle:
19/09/2021 @ 09:11:01: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
related to the Rust Valley Restorers show, found this where they explore what lies all over the place... hard to believe that some of them would/could turn beautiful again...
25/09/2021 @ 12:39:32: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
2 related videos on the future of car and vehicle power in UK, what the switch to electric power will and will not achieve, and what alternative strategies will still be needed. Both ask intriguing questions, with thoughtful analysis.
1] cars and the future for classic cars
2] what can hydrogen power offer?
13/10/2021 @ 20:05:38: dsl: Car videos worth watching :)
One for the boaty-minded folk amongst us - a promo video for a track called "The Launch" by a new band called Hector Gannet from Newcastle. Excellent B&W archive footage (undated) of ships and shipbuilding on Tyneside, with some gorgeous model boats. And the song's a good'un as well. Nothing seen with wheels, so can't post it on the main site.
11/02/2022 @ 00:23:45: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
A tour of Hammond's new car restoration business by mister James May
14/02/2022 @ 00:11:25: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
walter may know that videos:

thanks to

I can smile about
19/02/2022 @ 17:13:28: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
I always enjoy a scrapyard tour This one in Wales.
21/02/2022 @ 23:09:26: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
wait... did i slept the last 6 months ? .. is really the Countach coming back or its a concept car ?

speaking of Countach, a ride on top of one.. kind of...
( watch out the ears... )
24/02/2022 @ 22:09:51: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
I always enjoy a scrapyard tour This one in Wales.

Mmhh, rather poor - but maybe the best to find nowadays in Europe.

Due an EU-regulation in 1998 all the wonderful old junkyards are extinct within just a few years.

I was lucky to visit the fantastic yard in Houthalen-Helchteren (between Turnhout and Einhoven) in 1999 - one year later all 3000 classic wrecks were crushed :cry:
03/03/2022 @ 09:06:13: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
wait... did i slept the last 6 months ? .. is really the Countach coming back or its a concept car ?

:wam: I didn't hear about it, but indeed it seems they made a batch of these
27/03/2022 @ 10:24:34: Baube: Car videos worth watching :)
after a little bit more than 25 years :
Competition : " yeah, can do that too !
29/05/2022 @ 02:02:39: chicomarx: Car videos worth watching :)
The life of a 1995 Ford Escort in Africa:
Some cars die with dignity, some after prolonged torture.
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