General » three milestones now very close !
three milestones now very close !
Published 01/09/2006 @ 23:07:58, By Raul1983
As of 2006-09-02 has:
Number of makes: 987
Number of vehicles: 48625
Number of movies: 4965
Which one of these will be the first milestone ?
Number of makes: 987
Number of vehicles: 48625
Number of movies: 4965
Which one of these will be the first milestone ?

three milestones now very close !
Published 01/09/2006 @ 23:20:21, By antp
It is hard to guess... it really depends if lots of movies are added or not. It also depends if few people ad few movies with lots of background cars. Both cases can happen... I do not think that the "number of makes" will "win".
Latest Edition: 01/09/2006 @ 23:20:35
Latest Edition: 01/09/2006 @ 23:20:35
three milestones now very close !
Published 02/09/2006 @ 01:28:19, By wickey
I bet on vehicles

three milestones now very close !
Published 02/09/2006 @ 04:06:32, By dwd4X4
Same here. Because for every movie, there is like at least 10 cars. Well, I don't know for sure
three milestones now very close !
Published 03/09/2006 @ 00:52:23, By stronghold
..another milestone you missed (maybe not as Major.!) which 'Chips' will reach soon ... First TV-series to reach 600 vehicles.! (..I believe it was already the first to reach ..300,400 & 500.!!)
(200.. also.?)

three milestones now very close !
Published 03/09/2006 @ 12:51:48, By antp
Same here. Because for every movie, there is like at least 10 cars. Well, I don't know for sure
Sometimes people add video clips or movies, or pictures from movie trailers, where there are only 1 or 2 vehicles.
three milestones now very close !
Published 04/09/2006 @ 17:29:26, By antp
49077 vehicles
4991 movies
991 makes
who will win?
4991 movies
991 makes
who will win?

three milestones now very close !
Published 04/09/2006 @ 23:08:11, By Raul1983
It's been very, very close so far but at the moment I'd say "movies" will win. Maybe we see it happen tomorrow
Latest Edition: 04/09/2006 @ 23:08:51

Latest Edition: 04/09/2006 @ 23:08:51
three milestones now very close !
Published 05/09/2006 @ 00:56:50, By wickey
yes looks like I will lose my bet to movies

three milestones now very close !
Published 05/09/2006 @ 16:48:01, By Raul1983