16/09/2006 @ 00:28:26: weasel1984: Problems with site.
From about two days, I can't use some options on the site, f.e. I have a problem with editing and removing my posts, and with entering on my profile. Sites aren't loading or opening very slowly.
I didn't install any new software etc.
16/09/2006 @ 00:44:03: antp: Problems with site.
For the fact that it is slow is must come from your ISP or your PC.
What kind of problems do you have with edit/delete/profile?
Do you use the option to auto-login (i.e. remember the user & password) ?
16/09/2006 @ 15:35:42: weasel1984: Problems with site.
Yes, I use auto-login.
Edit/delete/profile - these options often don't work and I have only a white window in explorer.
Everything else is working correctly.
16/09/2006 @ 15:42:43: antp: Problems with site.
I do not know what it could be if you have the autologin enabled, as it previously solved similar problems.
Did you try in another webbrowser?
16/09/2006 @ 15:56:52: weasel1984: Problems with site.
No. Alright, thanks, I will check settings in my PC.
16/09/2006 @ 17:59:19: weasel1984: Problems with site.
Funny, I can open my profile every time when I switch to French or German version, but still I can't edit posts.
16/09/2006 @ 19:01:30: antp: Problems with site.
By "open" you mean edit?
16/09/2006 @ 19:23:19: weasel1984: Problems with site.
Yes, also edit.
But as you said I've tried with another web browser - with Opera and now everything is ok.
14/10/2006 @ 12:27:44: Bebert: Problems with site.
Depuis ce matin, le site est anormalement lent!!! Il faut 3 plombes pour charger une image ou pour passer d'une page à une autre... Pb de serveur?
14/10/2006 @ 13:22:49: antp: Problems with site.
J'ai pas eu de problème
Ça doit venir de quelque part entre le site et toi, ou alors ça marchait justement quand je suis allé dessus.
20/01/2007 @ 05:59:59: modell: Problems with site.
This page appears when I click on the link to my comments page-
20/01/2007 @ 22:21:08: firebird86: Problems with site.
Im not having any problems logging on.