Subject: Temporary mystery-machine
31/01/2006 @ 19:07:23: carfan: Temporary mystery-machine
I saw that you didn't have a photo for the mystery machine for the 2002 Scooby-doo movie so I found this one (it's not off of a dvd or video) and i thought that you could use it as a temporary photo until some one gets one off a video or dvd.
31/01/2006 @ 19:53:48: antp: Temporary mystery-machine
If it is not from the movie, how can we know it is the same van an not another one painted to look like the one of the movie ? :confused:
01/02/2006 @ 20:34:54: carfan: Temporary mystery-machine
If it is not from the movie, how can we know it is the same van an not another one painted to look like the one of the movie ? :confused:
This picture is from the movie but it's a freeze frame of a scene taken from the movie. also you didn't see my topic about additional cars For the movie Red Eye (2005). heres the link:
01/02/2006 @ 22:38:31: antp: Temporary mystery-machine
I saw it, but I did not had time to upload pictures yet :tongue:
I thought that the van was a simply photo, I'll add it them, thanks :wink:
02/02/2006 @ 18:41:45: carfan: Temporary mystery-machine
You are talking about the cars for Red Eye right? will you upload them soon?
02/02/2006 @ 20:33:52: antp: Temporary mystery-machine
Yes, this evening