Subject: [done] Le Grande Bagarre de Don Camillo
23/02/2007 @ 02:16:15: bent8rover: [done] Le Grande Bagarre de Don Camillo
Le Grande Bagarre de Don Camillo

1955 (but not listed on IMDB), 13 images

4* : Pickup
3* : Moto, Tank
2* : car, Buick, tractor, van

Zip arch sent contribs inbox as usual

23/02/2007 @ 10:11:59: antp: Le Grande Bagarre de Don Camillo
"La", not "Le" :wink:
And it was the French title, so maybe not found when you search on the normal site rather than the French sub-site.
02/03/2007 @ 23:23:08: bent8rover: Le Grande Bagarre de Don Camillo
Ok, I understand. I have in front of me the Studio Canal DVD release, French, bought in France, and the title is as I have listed (with excuse for my typo)