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more new images for "The Stand"
Published 08/05/2007 @ 18:40:43, By Jun
Added, thanks again.
and how many stars? please rate them :smile:
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more new images for "The Stand"
Published 09/05/2007 @ 05:10:28, By dmoss
Oops, sorry i forgot the star ratings.

I would say all of these should get 3 stars, except for the Ciera and the Diplomat which should only get 2 stars.

Is it useful to know the time of the movie at which the screen shot was taken, or is that unnecesary information?

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more new images for "The Stand"
Published 09/05/2007 @ 10:52:31, By antp
I think that it is useful, but except Carfan, Coopey and me I think that nobody specify it. It is more useful for 1-star and 2-star cars, as they may be hard to find in the movie (and it can be useful to sort the cars by time of apparition)

Latest Edition: 09/05/2007 @ 10:52:46
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