Subject: ... List by Stars?
11/05/2007 @ 03:23:15: temp_login: ... List by Stars?

its amazing that there is a site like this, but I hope I am missing something simple here ...

Is there no way to view/browse movies by stars(rating)? I just want to see the list of those 224 movies where the "vehicle is part of the movie".
11/05/2007 @ 13:47:58: antp: ... List by Stars?
If you go on the search page, do not fill make or model, click on "Search", you get the list of all vehicles of the site.
The like on all movie/vehicles pages, from the lists at the top right corner you can change the sorting, to get the cars sorted by rating:
Note that some of the cars listed as 5-star do not deserve it, maybe some should be modified to 4 stars.
12/05/2007 @ 03:50:38: temp_login: ... List by Stars?
well 4 or 5 stars ... its an excellent listing! Thanks!
Great way to discover movies like, say, "The Solid Gold Cadillac" :ddr555: