If Got a View Movies here,
*done-Moord In Extase (A.C's Baantjer), Movie, 1984
http://www.imcdb.org/movie_87741-Moord-in-extase.html ]
*done-Blue Thunder, Movie, 1983 (Trailer Only)
[only the wagon and the monaco:
http://www.imcdb.org/movie_85255-Blue-Thunder.html ]
*done-Miami Blues, Movie, 1990 (Trailer Only)
[wasn't the main car. added Camaro with no*:
http://www.imcdb.org/movie_100143-Miami-Blues.html ]
*done-War (Roque), Movie, 2007 (Trailer Only)
watching the trailer it's a 69'ish Chevelle vs Camaro.
You do not have to add them all at once, if you have add one just put a Star (*) behind the title.
edit: i cant attach a file, so i'll send it to contributions email.
thanks gliffhanger