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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, movie, 2007
Published 19/06/2007 @ 03:40:30, By Ddey65
The last two unknowns are Dodge Durango and Hummer H1.

Latest Edition: 19/06/2007 @ 03:41:57
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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, movie, 2007
Published 19/06/2007 @ 03:54:43, By Neptune

2006 Dodge Ram 2500 "Mega Cab" (extended length behind the 2nd Row doors)
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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, movie, 2007
Published 20/06/2007 @ 06:24:04, By ford_guy
The last one is not a Hummer HI, but the military version. It's probably the Humvee M1097 Avenger. As for the Crown Vics, I can't really tell the years, the pictures aren't really that great to allow for identification.

Latest Edition: 20/06/2007 @ 06:25:22
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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, movie, 2007
Published 23/06/2007 @ 06:13:19, By ahight
retook some of yours and captured others from the higher res HD trailer and teaser.
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