Subject: Users
02/03/2006 @ 17:03:36: wrenchhead: Users
I noticed that the logged-on users are shown on the forum but not on the site. Would it be possible to show them on the site as well without too much work ?
02/03/2006 @ 17:39:14: antp: Users
Both are completely independant actually.
The site is made by me, the forum is not :grin:
The info about who is on the forum is actually "who asked a page of the forum in the last XX minutes".
I could do the same on the site, but there are already so many things to add :grin: I'll see how easily it can be added :wink:
02/03/2006 @ 18:14:54: wrenchhead: Users
Thanks, I knew they were independant. Don't bother with it until you have other things done.

By the way, I will be glad to help post contributions if you tell me what to do.