Subject: Terminator series
04/10/2007 @ 15:54:01: G-MANN: Terminator series
04/10/2007 @ 19:27:40: antp: Terminator series
I preferred the 2nd one, and I like the 3rd one (unlike what many people seem to do...)
About the 1st one, I do not know why I find it less entertaining.
04/10/2007 @ 19:41:24: wickey: Terminator series
2nd for sure

(oh dear, now we will have polls about every series of movies - including Star Trek I-X :grin: )
04/10/2007 @ 23:54:56: ford_guy: Terminator series
Terminator 2 is actually my second favorite action movie ever. Black Hawk Down comes 1st. I really liked the first one, i like the 80's feel about it.

And I'll agree with antp, compared to the first two, the third one was fairly weak, but I liked it. My only complaint was that no-talent hack who played John Connor. He really ruined it, in my honest opinion.