Subject: blue cadillac in action movie (hit by bus with hero on board)
12/01/2008 @ 01:58:33: jiminwatford: blue cadillac in action movie (hit by bus with hero on board)
hi can anyone name this film?

classic 60s/70s cadillac convertible in blue. in one of the action scenes it has a coming together with a sanfransisco tram and the hero (i think) then climbs into the tram
the film is late 90s early 00s

thanks for any help
12/01/2008 @ 02:36:50: CarChasesFanatic: blue cadillac in action movie (hit by bus with hero on board)
Yes, the movie is Metro from 1997
12/01/2008 @ 03:48:45: jiminwatford: blue cadillac in action movie (hit by bus with hero on board)
thanks :smile: interesting connection with eddie murphy and blue cadillac convertibles ?? :wink: