1993 Audi 100 Wagon CS 2.8 quattro C4 (Typ 4A) (3 stars***)
1989 Audi 200 Wagon quattro C3 (Typ 44) (1 star*)
16/06/2008 @ 15:09:07: ahight: [done] Two Audi... Wagons in Motorweek (1981-2008)
I wasn't sure if it should be "Wagon" or "Avant". I only saw one other "Wagon" and I think that's what we called them, but think (too long ago to remember) they should still be listed as "Avant" with the rest of them.
16/06/2008 @ 15:47:40: walter.: [done] Two Audi... Wagons in Motorweek (1981-2008)
No. In these years, in the USA these Audi wagons were called "Wagon", and not Avant. Only in Europe were Avants. Only with the introduction of the A6 Avant C4 in the USA they started to call them "Avant". Trust me.