Subject: help wanted on movie title
21/07/2008 @ 10:08:58: _wilk_: help wanted on movie title

I'm searching the title of a +/- 30 years old american movie:
the plot is about a girl stealing and selling 50 vw beetles to buy a ferrari 246 dino..

any ideas?
21/07/2008 @ 16:40:39: Wampa-One: help wanted on movie title
I would guess it could be
But I don't know, I've never seen it. All I did was a google Advanced Search of for "ferrari 246 dino" 10&lr=&as_filetype=&ft=i& y&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images
21/07/2008 @ 16:47:43: Wampa-One: help wanted on movie title
I guess that means we can add a car to the title

But I think it would more likely be one of these on
or on

instead of a racecar like these on
as stated on imdb...
22/07/2008 @ 07:30:30: _wilk_: help wanted on movie title
Yes! After reading he plot details, it has to be 'Sweet Revenge'.
Further investigation shows that the movie is also known as 'Dandy, the All American Girl' or 'Vol à la tire' (in France).
Sadly, I did not find the film anywhere available. Anyone wanting to share it?
Btw, I'm not sure it was a GT or a GTS.
26/09/2008 @ 16:08:13: terrymistry: help wanted on movie title
Please delete.."help wanted on movie title...." submitted in my name, Terry mstry. This is now obsolute. Thanks
27/09/2008 @ 11:02:36: antp: help wanted on movie title
:confused: you mean this thread here? why not keep it if someone searches the same?