Subject: Quiz help wanted
08/08/2008 @ 23:20:02: Raoul Duke: Quiz help wanted
I am participating in an online moviescreenshot quiz. One of the shots has a Volvo in it, but I can't make out the model nor the movie.

Link to quiz (it is the first picture):

Can anybody help me?

I believe the other pictures are from:
1) ? (the picture in question)
2) Mr. Woodcock
3) Lions for lambs
4) ?
5) Point Break

08/08/2008 @ 23:55:40: atom: Quiz help wanted
09/08/2008 @ 11:53:01: antp: Quiz help wanted
I am participating in an online moviescreenshot quiz.

Aren't you cheating by asking help here? :grin:
09/08/2008 @ 15:52:29: Raoul Duke: Quiz help wanted
Nope. You are allowed to use any help you can get. And besides, you can't win anything. It's just for fun.
09/08/2008 @ 16:00:28: Raoul Duke: Quiz help wanted
Oh and I forgot: Thanx atom! Right on the money. I'll get you a beer for that one.