How can you even say this? Systematically destorying perfectly good cars for no reason is a crime that should be punishable by death! To me these "laws" sound like a second Holocaust... but this time for cars.
If there's someone to blame then there's the people that give the "old" cars not the "system" created...
I can understand if the car is really a piece of crap and has a horrible body, engine, or transmission, but if it still looks decent and runs fine why the hell should it be destroyed for no reason??
And the point of keeping those cars would be?? we care about any car because we're car fans but let's be realistic, what could a dealership do with older than 15 years cars?? after all, even if they run well they are old cars and they're likely to fail much sooner so the prices they could be sold at would be ridicoulous.
And the majority of people buying new cars nowadays don't even "need" a new car (I think I read somewhere it's around 70% or so of all new car buyers). They just
want a new car, the one they have is perfectly fine, but they just want to be "modern" or look "cool" or something. And I'm sorry but that kind of thing is just the height of douchebaggery. Those kind of people are just superficial spolied brats.
Sure, if you could afford it you wouldn't buy a new Crown Victoria or any other car you love right?

oh come on nobody believes that... no offence but that's quite stupid to say, we all would love to change car frecuently, or are you saying that you'll keep your GM and won't buy a new car in 50 years if the car still runs after all that time? and don't tell me you can keep it and keep buying newer cars because that's still called "buy a new car to look cool or modern" which i don't see the problem of, we keep criticizing people for whether they do or not, aren't we free to do what we want? then i don't see the problem of taking this as something personal, we all like to look modern with a new car and we all like to show off our cars, specially us, the one to be fan of cars.
Buying a new car is not anyway something you think about today and you do tomorrow, specially nowadays (and specifically in Spain) where people are not in their best moments now for this crisis we're having, so unless you have a lot of money people that buy a car do it because they really need it, the car my family has now (i mean since we're a familly) is the second one in only twenty years! our former car, an Orion from 1986 was kept until 2003 (or so) when we bought the Peugeot, 17 years on the road and my dad was fed up already for all the amount of money he was spending on it lately, the car had breakdowns frecuently and left my dad on the road several times, and like we did many families do too, which are even the people to give away older than 15 years cars, someone who bought a car from that time onwards cannot benefit of this "system" since their cars are too new therefore they won't be crushed.
Sure that some of the times nice cars will be crushed but we can't do anything agaisnt that, it's a shame? yes it is but there's nothing we can do, and as i said if in a future day i have a car 18 years old (just to put an example) and i need a new one because this one starts failing i will surely take advantage of the system (specially if the car is something that nobody will be interested in to give me the same amount of money), it's not that easy to say "i wouldn't do it" when you need that money and you really need a new car becuase you need a mean of transport for everyday use.
Even if we like them we must get real and know that cars from the eighties and nineties don't worth anything for people not interested in cars.
This brings up one of the very few reasons I am happy that I live in the Michigan, where there are no inspections, regulations, or stupid incentives like this to get rid of old cars. You have the freedom to drive what you want, without people trying to make you take your old beauty to the crusher.
Inspections are rather to keep you safe in case the car has something wrong than to make people crush their cars.