07/06/2009 @ 11:49:46: wasserspeier: [Done] Bulletproof Monk (2003)
07/06/2009 @ 12:32:10: dragonboy3000: Bulletproof Monk (2003)
Cadillac Catera
Lincoln Town Car Stretched Limo
08/06/2009 @ 05:59:02: BlackIce_RS: Bulletproof Monk (2003)
bpmbmw1stars.jpg: E23 7-series ('77-'86). When I see them around (almost never), I can never tell if it's an E23 7 or an E28 5 series. 7s have turn signals beside the headlights (as this does), 5s have them under the bumper.
bpmbmwconvertible2stars.jpg: E36 3-series ('92-'99)
bpmford1stars.jpg: F-series MkVII ('80-'86)
bpmjeep1stars.jpg: Grand Cherokee (WJ/MkII: '98-'4)
bpmjeep2stars.jpg: Cherokee (XJ/MkII: '84-'1) late 80s?
bpmunknown21stars.jpg: Toyota Tercel Wagon (MkII: '83-'86)
bpmunknown53stars.jpg: GMC Suburban (GMT400/MkIX: '92-'99). Not positive, could be a Yukon.
bpmunknowncaronleft2sta.jpg: Chrysler Concorde ('98-'4)
bpmunknowncaronright1st.jpg: Cadillac Catera ('97-'99)
bpmunkown1stars.jpg: Subaru Legacy or Outback Legacy ('93-'99 or '95-'99 (Outback))
Year ranges I've given are for the entire generation, except for the Catera, which ran until '1 (This one is the early version). Ranges could be narrowed down (especially the Cherokee, I suspect) by people who know the models in question better then I.