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Cadillac CTS Coupe 2010
Published 27/10/2009 @ 08:05:31, By duketheduke
I have seen this commercial of Cadillac CTS Coupe and it looks awesome. The video shows the evolution of the car. This is one of my dream cars. What's your dream car?

Latest Edition: 27/10/2009 @ 08:06:14
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Cadillac CTS Coupe 2010
Published 27/10/2009 @ 13:53:16, By CarChasesFanatic
That is such a nice video, I want one of each please.
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Cadillac CTS Coupe 2010
Published 27/10/2009 @ 22:32:38, By taxiguy
That's a great commerical, but the cars are hideous :lol: I have never warmed up to Cadillac's "Art & Science" design...
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Cadillac CTS Coupe 2010
Published 28/10/2009 @ 03:12:42, By Neptune
I'm waiting for the CTS-V Coupe :grin:
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