Subject: Identify car racing movie
04/01/2010 @ 05:24:32: sagimarkus5211: Identify car racing movie

I'm looking for an old movie (around 80's) that I saw,
I was looking for it alot.

The movie is about kids on high school that have a workshop for cars at school and racing other kids.

the last big race of the movie is about to cancel because the bad guys sabotage the car of the good ones, And then the principal saving them by giving them his old car (red old car, maybe chevy from 50's) that is under the school yard.
In the race the kids have a remote that changing the traffic lights.

Thanks alot.
24/05/2010 @ 10:37:15: pietervdb: Identify car racing movie
The movie is "Catch me if you can" starring Matt Lattanzi. The car is a 57 Chevy.
Unfortunately, the movie is not available on DVD so see if you can find a VHS somewhere.
The plot is that the kids race and bets on the races to raise money to keep the school open. The baddies wants in on the action and the result is a race across town in a specified time (only done once before)with large stakes. To ensure they win the baddies trash the car, so the headmaster hauls out the original race's car from under the football field and the race is run again.

Find it and enjoy