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Add MyFollowedCars to profile
Published 22/05/2006 @ 16:47:26, By garco

Sometimes a car is unidentified for a long time, and then it's suddenly disappered from the unknown-list. It's identified! That's OK, but now I can't find that particular car because I don't know the make or type.
I can solve this to add a comment on the page of the car (and then later click on my comments), but that looks like spam because I don't now anything about it.
Is it possible to create something like 'follow car'. This will be a list with cars that you wish to follow.


Latest Edition: 22/05/2006 @ 16:49:57
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Add MyFollowedCars to profile
Published 22/05/2006 @ 17:02:39, By antp
This is somewhat linked to a request that Alexander made there:
I could make such watch-list.
On that topic Wrenchhead said that he was using a Word document with links. In the same way, you can use your browser' favorites/bookmarks to keep a list of pages.
But I agree that it would be easier to have that directly on the site.
I'll think on how I can do that :wink:
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Published 22/05/2006 @ 21:08:47, By garco
OK thanks for the suggestions.
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