Subject: [Done] Passed Away, Movie, 1992 #105103
28/01/2010 @ 00:18:59: sthor: [Done] Passed Away, Movie, 1992 #105103
Here is a screen capture of the 1965 Mustang Coupé alredy listed. 3 stars
28/01/2010 @ 06:45:44: marioman3138: Passed Away, Movie, 1992 #105103
Can you do screen caps for other cars please?
28/01/2010 @ 10:55:38: vilero: Passed Away, Movie, 1992 #105103
Hi stor. I founf the Mustang you say with the code chassis already listed as [65B]. According my info 65 B were the Luxury Trim Mustangs and post-9/64 production.

Do you think it would be better leave empty this field?
28/01/2010 @ 11:00:08: vilero: [Done] Passed Away, Movie, 1992 #105103
10/02/2010 @ 23:52:31: sthor: [Done] Passed Away, Movie, 1992 #105103
This is a Luxury Trim (the so called "Pony Interior" 65B) Mustang, in the movie it can be seen very clearly.