Subject: Internet Magazine Car Database
03/06/2010 @ 18:33:58: Harsk: Internet Magazine Car Database
How can I create the site: IMRCD?
How I can create?
04/06/2010 @ 19:03:18: RockRacer: Internet Magazine Car Database
Well first, figure out what available domain you are going to go with and get it purchased through a place like or

Then, find out who's going to be hosting it for you. This can usually be done at the same place you purchased the domain from for an additional (larger) cost.

Then figure out what format (style) website you are going to create.

Does that sound about right Antp? I had help with those things on my own movie database sites...
04/06/2010 @ 19:24:56: antp: Internet Magazine Car Database
Before all that, you have to make the site itself (database, pages, etc.)
Then where you put it online is less a problem.