Subject: Found picture
14/06/2010 @ 05:25:55: 93_Montero: Found picture
A picture I found on which I highly recommend looking at.
14/06/2010 @ 09:43:20: ingo: Found picture
The car is a Citroen SM and the plate from Norway.
14/06/2010 @ 20:55:02: Lateef: Found picture
...from Ă…lesund. According to the great (but not perfect) site SVVGW, it's registered in 1973, but I think it's been imported in 2002 or 2003, to be precise, since the correct prefix for 1973 would've been UE.
15/06/2010 @ 06:37:53: 93_Montero: Found picture
A Citroen SM is obviously not common in the US which makes this more interesting for me plus the staircase which mysteriously leads somewhere.
15/06/2010 @ 10:30:49: antp: Found picture
The SM is not common anywhere :grin:
16/06/2010 @ 07:10:57: Gomsel: Found picture
And the girl? :grin:
16/06/2010 @ 23:34:08: 93_Montero: Found picture
Hahaha both comments. I like that she is in the process of walking it makes the picture better.