Subject: TV episode errors and omissions
04/07/2010 @ 19:15:19: Ddey65: TV episode errors and omissions
I've been trying to get an episode that contains an image from "The Young Ones" recognized:
This one is from episode #1.03, but is still not listed as such.

This Caterham Super 7 from "eX-Driver" is from 1.01, and the car is in all episodes:

but this is only listed as being in episode 1.05. It's the black Super 7 that was in episodes 1.05 and 1.06.

Also, I just found out that this scene from "The Equalizer" is from episode 1.07, not 1.05;

...although the car is in practially every episode.
04/07/2010 @ 20:49:18: antp: TV episode errors and omissions
Thanks, I made the changes. But you could post that in the usual topic where you were posting cars that we "missed" :wink:
04/07/2010 @ 22:10:52: Ddey65: TV episode errors and omissions
Well, the cars themselves weren't missed nor were they misidentified. Plus, I thought there was another thread for this, and found out I was wrong.