Subject: Identification from picture
08/07/2010 @ 12:26:19: Sailorboy!: Identification from picture
Hi everyone,

Sorry its a picture of a banger, but i'm an editor of a magazine that is all about banger racing from the 70s and 80s.
If anyone can shed light on what the car hitting the rear of the Westminster is, it would be appriciated. At first I thought it must be a Ford Squire, but the filler cap is in the wrong place. So now am all out of ideas. Cheers
08/07/2010 @ 20:14:00: chris40: Identification from picture
It's a Thames 5 or 7cwt. van with aftermarket side windows; not only the location of the filler, but the side-hinged rear door.
12/07/2010 @ 15:57:52: Sailorboy!: Identification from picture
Great stuff Cheers for that Chris40!
If I knew how to reply with another image i'd add that to see if you could identify that too, but I think I'll have to start another thread, as the pic is on my hard drive not from a website
12/07/2010 @ 16:43:03: antp: Identification from picture
You can click on "add reply" link which is between the last message and the text area where you typed your message (I guess), which gives you a page with more reply options, including the file upload.
14/07/2010 @ 15:57:16: Sailorboy!: Identification from picture
It only appears to give the option of relpying with a URL addy from a website for a picture link, not from your hard drive. If someone could explain how to keep it all in one thread and add the pics from my hard drive i'd aapriciate tit. Cheers
14/07/2010 @ 16:20:58: antp: Identification from picture
If you click "Add reply" below the last message you have a page similar to the one for creating a new topic, with the "Attach a file" field
in this case