Subject: For
20/01/2011 @ 18:12:11: vilero: For
Hi all.

Some days ago I visited I checked some films of its movie list and I didn't find some of the movies on which, some IMCDB contributors, we leave the message "For".

I wrote an email to that site, telling them they can easy find the planes we leave for them using the search page if they full, at the bottom of that page, in 'Text to search:' for

From Tobin Gardner answered me two days ago. He didn't know that search was possible and, besides thanks us, "I have a
lot of catching up to do", he said.

So if you are one of us who, when it is possible, leave some pictures of planes in general comments, please, add before the pictures, "for" or similar phrase easy to find using 'Text to search:'

Thank youuuuuu!!!
20/01/2011 @ 18:51:31: owlman: For
Good advice! But I think it would be better to just search for the text "impdb". I know I have sometimes only written that.

It's probably also helpful to search comments for "aircraft", "plane", "helicopter", etc., to find ones that people may have posted pre-IMPDb. :clindoeil:
20/01/2011 @ 19:44:21: antp: For
Indeed I did not always mention IMPDB, you can find few planes in my comments:
27/01/2011 @ 11:14:25: RockRacer: For
Hi guys! Yeah, I guess I never scrolled down far enough on the search page. I really do appreciate you guys helping out with screenshots for the site. I have no idea how I am going to get them all up on my site. I should probably get a thread going on my forum regarding the contributions over here and try to get my members to help out.

The first quarter of every year is so busy at my job (unrelated to aviation) and they really push overtime. I have been averaging 50 hours a week (which is a lot for me). I have a difficult time getting more than 5 hours of sleep at times with my 3 kids waking me up shortly after I get to sleep.

I am not trying to whine or make excuses, only to let you know why I can't build IMPDb by myself at this stage in my life. I will do my best to get the shots up asap, but it may take some time. In the meantime though, please keep them coming and know that I, and the rest of the aviation world are excited to have you guys on board helping out.

If there are any of you that can find any extra time in your busy lives, we would love to have you over on the site helping out on all these great contributions. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help out.

Thanks again for alerting me to this vilero!

27/01/2011 @ 20:58:08: Sandie: For
Let me know if you need any help processing the comments.
28/01/2011 @ 04:03:03: RockRacer: For
Let me know if you need any help processing the comments.

If by "help processing" you mean bringing the screenshots over to the plane database and creating pages with them, I would be more than grateful! You do a great job Sandie.
28/01/2011 @ 14:54:03: Sandie: For
That is what I meant. I probably won't get through every comment but I'll get through as many as possible next week when I am relatively free.
29/01/2011 @ 19:11:12: RockRacer: For
That is what I meant. I probably won't get through every comment but I'll get through as many as possible next week when I am relatively free.

You are awesome Sandie! I wouldn't expect you to get through all of them. Looks like there are tons, but even if you were able to knock out a few here and there, it would of course help.

Thanks to anyone who can help and to those that have left screenshots for us! :banzai:
31/01/2011 @ 19:55:20: Sandie: For
Is there a better way than downloading the pictures to one of my drives?

I have got quite a few so far but as right click, save picture as doesn't work for Geting hosted images another way might be useful. At the moment I'm just using the cutting tool on the screen.
31/01/2011 @ 21:21:18: antp: For
In Firefox, right click -> view page info -> media, there you find the picture and you can save it. is annoying for that.
31/01/2011 @ 22:10:31: Sandie: For
Thanks that has worked. :smile:
03/02/2011 @ 10:21:43: RockRacer: For
Contributions from IMCDb

My forum isn't real active at this stage in the game, but it doesn't hurt...
03/02/2011 @ 10:37:34: antp: For
Maybe also mention that when pictures are copied, it is good to add a comment on imcdb with a link to impdb, so visitors of imcdb can go there to know what the plates are :grin:
03/02/2011 @ 12:03:09: Sandie: For
I will start to add the 48 movie/series pages I have got over the last few days tonight.

There are seventeen pages which come up on the 'Impdb' search results that I haven't done. I'll be able to give a more definitive list when I get home.

Way more results come up if you search things like 'Airtcraft' or 'Cessna' too.
03/02/2011 @ 15:04:10: antp: For
Or just "plane", though that you get few other things too then.
Cf link that I posted above, before impdb I was just mentioning "plane" when posting plane pictures. I guess I could add myself "my" plane captures to impdb.
06/02/2011 @ 11:11:33: RockRacer: For
Dang Sandie! You are an animal. I only dream of being as productive as you. I can't believe how many movies you have been able to add in such a small amount of time.

I guess I could add myself "my" plane captures to impdb.

Yeah, you signed up ages ago.
06/02/2011 @ 11:58:30: antp: For
Yes, I added only one movie since then :grin: But I already do not so much time for imcdb, I was lazy for adding contributions to impdb.
16/03/2011 @ 14:32:07: Sandie: For
I'm going to get back to adding pages soon.

I still have some left over from last time and will try to get most of the pages since then done.

Is there anything that might not come up in a 'For IMPDb' search that posters want uploaded that I may have missed?
16/03/2011 @ 14:46:23: antp: For
There is the link with some of my contributions, that I posted earlier:
(I still didn't had time to do that)
19/04/2011 @ 09:46:07: Gomsel: For
More contributions for