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[DONE] Where is Tucker?
Published 01/07/2011 @ 02:44:21, By enzovega
It seems that the 1948 Tucker is commonly left off of some lists pertaining to cars, but it is astonishing that a car that has starred in it's own major motion picture by two moviemaking icons, Coppola and Lucas, is not on your list. This God of Cars must be added immediately! Inaccurately referred to as the Tucker Torpedo, the production car is officially named the Tucker '48. It was only called the Torpedo in pre-production literature and advertisements. Many of the 47 surviving cars were used on-screen in the 1988 film, as well as 3 replicas. A total of 50 production cars and 1 prototype were produced. The Tucker deserves it's rightful place on the imcdb.

Latest Edition: 08/07/2011 @ 09:27:35
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