Subject: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
16/11/2012 @ 19:52:56: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
You're welcome :smile:

Of course I've checked all the postcards, for interesting vehicles and other details. This one is from a 1989-made postcard-set, you still can get in every tourist-shop. Yes, it was a deliberate choice :wink:

As the stamps, too. For overseas countries actually you have two choices, these two anti-imperialism one (anti-US-imperialism and anti-Japan-imperialism) or just one, but bigger stamp with HIM (daddy HIM, not the son). For Japan there is a different postage, so unfortunately I couldn't take the anti-Japan-stamp for the postcard to my friend in Yokohama :grin:

Interesting, the big difference of the arrival times. They were brought to the special international post office in one hotel within two days.
That one to chicomarx was the fastest, not even two weeks. 130rapid got his one shortly later.
It seems, that it doesn't matter, in which language I wrote. The first impression was, that those with English text were faster than those with the German writing, but this is not correct. And the stamps weren't a topic either. So the cards with HIM on the stamps weren't faster than those with the anti-imperialism-stamps. IIRC 130rapid's card had them, too.

btw: @chicomarx: wrote I in English or in German to you?
16/11/2012 @ 23:30:47: chicomarx: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
German! I didn't understand a word.
17/11/2012 @ 18:31:02: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
German! I didn't understand a word.

:wam: Oh, really? Sorry, I thought, you know German, according some comments in the database??
I extra wrote it in block letters, as my handwriting is undecipherable at all.
Some people say, because I'm a lefthand
btw.: once I've seen something funny in an essay about the handwriting of psychopaths and maniacs: my handwriting is quite similar to that of Jack the Ripper :joce:
17/11/2012 @ 20:18:52: Andre Malraux: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
I knew you are left-handed, because the ink is stretched from left to right. This happens only when you write with left hand, because the hand passes over the writing. And only when you write with left hand the letters have this particular shape. And I knew that your handwriting is bad, because you use capitals (this was the only possible explanation). :wink: I'm a romanian Sherlock Holmes. :sol:

My handwriting is also undecipherable (that's why I write with print letters, but I use capitals only at the begining of the phrase). Napoleon's handwriting was also undecipherable. In his memoirs, Alexandre Dumas sais that his mother said to him: "You have several letters sent by Napoleon to your father [Dumas' father was general in napoleonic army.]. In how many of them you understand the writing?". This is a characteristic of all great men. Because our mind is quicker than our hand. So we don't have the necessary patience to write. :grin:
17/11/2012 @ 21:39:18: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
This is a characteristic of all great men. Because our mind is quicker than our hand. So we don't have the necessary patience to write. :grin:

We are psychopathic geniuses. That's the simple and logical answer.
18/12/2012 @ 19:19:58: Gag Halfrunt: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
There's a new blog called Retro DPRK which has scans of old postcards and tourist leaflets from North Korea. Among other things there's a set of postcards of Chongjin from 1985, including a view of the Chongjin Hotel with three of the legendary Volvo 144s parked outside. :grin:
18/12/2012 @ 21:40:12: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Very nice, thanks for the link :smile:
The maker works for the company, where we had booked our trip.
(btw.: the "covergirl" on the main page was our tourguide)
20/12/2012 @ 13:02:35: Gag Halfrunt: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Also new from Koryo Tours is a game called Pyongyang Racer, where you get to race a car down the empty streets of Pyongyang. :smile:
20/12/2012 @ 20:30:37: kegare: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
IGCD entry:
23/12/2012 @ 12:39:31: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
I think, I've already said, that, when I took this pic , I was nearly ran over by a black stretch-limo. When the traffic disappeared suddenly, I thought "Hey, an empty streer, now I can make a full-view pic" and walked in the middle of the three lane - but then a convoi of several black cars, including two Mercedes stretch-limos, passed with real high speed. So I had really to jump away, to avoid being hit by them.

The Benzes were the same model, as visible here:

So it seems to be a real incident, that I was nearly killed by HIM :wam:
16/02/2013 @ 16:06:48: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Pictures from a slightly bizarre potemkin-ish scenery in a mineralwater factory. Guess why:
16/02/2013 @ 16:08:03: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
P.S. @kegare: do you have pics from your DPRK-trip?
16/02/2013 @ 17:58:09: kegare: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Ingo, you must have misunderstood me.
I have never been to North Korea.
16/02/2013 @ 18:03:38: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Oh, sorry, I thought that due some of your comments.
02/03/2013 @ 23:16:49: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
@rjluna2: here the lights:

Even with a rainbow in the background. Which means often something special in the DPRK. Like crying birds, suddenly blossowing trees or suddenly melting snow :lol:

Left of it is

when you turn around

...and the place, where I've spotted three street urchins, dirty and barefoot. Yes, they exist in North Korea. much less, than in other towns, but they exist.
02/03/2013 @ 23:30:06: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Hrrmphh, sorry, but now I see, that I don't have a detailed picture of the lighting-batteries for was so crowded there, at the Jubilee-day of the party-foundation.

Do you see the light-batteries on the top?

Around the Kim Il Sung-square every building has them. Also the House of the Ministers:

On the backside of this building, you see (when you stand on the roof-balcony of the Grand People's Study Palace) something else. A battery of brand new Mercedes Benzes. Far right in the foreground.
02/03/2013 @ 23:35:26: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Inside the Grand People's Study Palace they have lightings, too:
02/03/2013 @ 23:51:15: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
At the dinner in the Lake Sijung Guest House we had lights, too.

Regular lamps in the ceiling, plus coloured blinking lights, combinated with the Karaoke-machine, plus a running TV with heroic propaganda movies

In the Majon Beach Guest House I don't made pics of some lightings-stuff, only from the warm water-patent:

From this location exists also a pic of myself, when I made a swim in the Eastern Sea of Korea (anywhere outside Korea named Sea of Japan), but very very unfortunately I cannot show it, because it was made by my travelling-fellow with 8MB :tongue:
03/03/2013 @ 00:04:57: ingo: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
Hah, there I was searching for - the illuminating Korea-silhouette on a building in Wonsan:

Parked in front of our hotel, the Dongmyong Hotel, there were parked some SUV's and trucks, even a former Motor Home
03/03/2013 @ 00:15:50: Sandie: DPRK October 2012, pics from my travelling to North Korea
I like the light fighting from the Guest House, I should get something like that for my flat.

The Jeep Commander has come a long way. Wonder how it went from Minnesota to North Korea